Tinley Rylene Alexander
Born December 31, 2010 at 5:07 pm
7lbs. 2oz. 19 inches
She is just BEAUTIFUL & all our dreams come true!!
Here is a part of a note Justin wrote to his co-workers on January 3rd about Tinley's birth and I thought it was sweet and well written so I just had to share:
Hey! Everything is going pretty well. Overall, Tinley is a very healthy girl. Tori has been released as of today however, Tinley’s bilirubin levels were up so she has to be under light most of the day and overnight just as a precaution. Mommy is getting to spend lots of time with her down in the nursery. If all goes well, we hope to be released on Tuesday morning.
Last Friday was a long and hard day of labor. Tori did an awesome job and made good progress all day. When she became fully dilated, the nurses warned that it was going to be a tight squeeze. The Dr only allowed Tori to push for a little over 1 hour. After that hour of pushing, the Dr was called in to perform a c-section. This isn’t what Tori wanted but after the Dr’s exam, it was necessary because her head would not fit through Tori’s pelvis. The c-section went perfect and daddy made it thru without any episodes after passing out cold Thursday evening just watching them put Tori’s IV in. Let me tell you, I was the talk of the nurses’ station all night.
Mom is healing fine but really sore and has to take it easy. I’m glad that I will be at home to help out since she will be limited on her movements for awhile.