Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy 1st Father's Day Justin!

Happy First Father's Day to the best Daddy a little girl could have.  We love you!!!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy 6th Birthday Ty!

Hope you had a great day!  You are growing up so fast.  We enjoyed celebrating with you Friday and Saturday. 

He wouldn't smile for me...

Thursday, May 12, 2011

{4 Month Check-up}

Tinley had her 4 month appointment with Dr. Emm last Friday.

She weighed 11lb 14oz (15 percentile)

She was 23 1/2 in long (25 percentile)

She is still puking A LOT, but Dr. wasn't worried because he said she is gaining weight and that is should go away by 8-9 months so we will see. I pray for that day to come sooner rather than later. We have started her on oatmeal cereal and she really likes it now. We have also started her on green veggies, but she doesn't really know what to think of them still.

She got two shots at this appointment and did so much better with them than last time, so I was thankful for that. The nurse felt so bad giving them to her because Tinley was just all smiles and so happy. It didn't take her long to calm down after her Mommy held her for a bit.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

{My 1st Mother's Day}

I had a wonderful first Mommy's day!  I love you Tinley Rylene more than you will ever know.  You make my world complete and when you smile at me you just melt my heart.  I am so happy & lucky to be your Mommy. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

{Baby's 1st Easter}

Tinley had a wonderful first Easter! Mommy & Daddy felt so blessed to have this little girl to share this wonderful holiday with. God is good!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


So I had to take Miss Tinley to the Dr. on Wednesday she was very upset at the sitter's and had five loose stools.  The Dr. didn't see anything wrong with her and said it could be a stomach bug or that she just had a tummy ache.  While I was there I asked him about starting cereal. He told me that it was okay and to try two tablespoons of oatmeal at night. We can't use rice because we tried it in her bottle at two months old to try to help minimize her puking and it was really hard on her tummy so we had to stop using it.  Tinley didn't know what to think of the cereal, she was probably confused by the spoon and the texture.  I am sure she will soon catch on quickly.

We go back to the Dr. May 6th for her four month check up and shots :(   Dr. Emm said we would discuss starting green vegetables.  I can't believe we are already at this stage to start baby food.  I know it is time, but it just seems like these stages are coming to quickly.

We're Moving!

We sold our house on Saturday and signed papers for our new house Monday.  We are so excited to be moving to this house we fell in love with. We close on both June 8th so we have a lot to do in a short amount of time and with a little baby it seems even more overwhelming.  We can't wait to make this house our home.  We have done so much to our house now over the past seven years it will be hard to leave, it is truly home for us.  I think mostly I am sad to leave because of all memories Justin and I have shared in this house, like him proposing to me, finding out we were expecting and bringing our sweet little love home.  I know it won't take long to make this new house our home.  It will be filled with so many new memories and love.  It will also be so nice to finally have a yard of our own and no neighbors attached. 

Our Current Home...GOODBYE


Our New Home...HELLO

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

{Easter Bunny's}

Visit with  Easter Bunny at Mall

Grammy (Justin's Mom) the Easter Bunny


Happy 5th Birthday Livy Girl

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

{Roly Poly}

Ok, so Tinley learned how to roll from her back to her tummy last week.  WELL....today guess what....she rolled from her tummy to her back.  So she was actually doing complete rolls and Mommy & Daddy actually got to see this first.  OMG!  Seriously, this little girl is a mover.  I so wasn't expecting her to be doing complete rolls this soon.  When we get this on video I will have to post.  We weren't expecting it the first two times she did it and she had already did it a third time before we had the camera ready.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

{She Rolls}

Tinley finally rolled over for Mommy & Daddy today.  Four times to be exact. One time while we had her undressed getting ready for bath time. Her little naked butt was in the air....too cute! We have been waiting to see her with our own eyes since she did it for Mammy on Thursday.

We finally got video of it her third time.  BIG GIRL! Mommy & Daddy are so proud.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

{3 Months}

My sweet Tinley turned 3 months today.  Wow!  She is growing right before our eyes.  Yesterday our sitter was sick so she spent the day home with Daddy and today she was sick again so Mammy came up to watch her.  She did something exciting today....she rolled from her back to her tummy twice....bad thing....she did it when Mommy and Daddy were at work.  I came home and my Mom was telling me about it because she assumed she had been doing it for a few days and just hadn't told her.  It made me sad because I wasn't the first to get to see it.  We tried to get her to do it tonight, but she didn't.  Hopefully, she will do it for us this weekend.  This is the hard part about going back to work,  I may miss some of her first milestone moments.  Something she has been doing for several weeks that she did start with Mommy was when I pull her arms up so to lift her in a sitting position she actually has been going all the way up to the standing position and holds it until I put her back down.  She sure is a strong little girl at 3 months.  I just love her to pieces.  Happy 3 month to our beautiful baby girl!

My babies!  One wore out from learning to roll over and the other wore out from work.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Back to Work

Twelve weeks sure went by fast.  Today was my first day back to work and to be honest it was really hard on me.  I knew it would be, but man was I a mess.  It started last week.  I cried a few nights thinking about it in bed, then Saturday while Justin and I were at dinner and then last night...oh last night was bad.  I didn't want to lay her down when she fell asleep I just kept holding her and when I did lay her down I was a mess.  I love this little girl like crazy.  If I could stay home with her I would in a heartbeat, but it just isn't in the cards for me.  This mornings routine went smoothly, but as I was driving her there I broke down and while I was inside the daycare and leaving I totally lost it.  Those first few hours at work were the toughest, but gradually it got better because I knew I got to see her at lunch and her Daddy was picking her up early.  Miss Lisa said she did really well.  She text & sent me some pics of her throughout the day which helped.  I am hoping tomorrow is easier on me, but I am not sure.  I was never so excited to get home today and see her only to finding her sleeping in her swing :(  But I got a few hours with her tonight and I treasured them...I always will.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday Mason Charles

I can't believe little Mase turned 3 today.  It is crazy how big he is getting.  He got lots of great gifts and he especially loved his swing set from his Mommy.  Bubba, TT and Tinley got him Toy Story movie, jammies and toy story car.  He is such a little ham and adores his little cousin Tinley.  It is just too cute.  He wants to hold her all the time.

Happy Birthday Mase, we love you!

Birthday Boy

Dolled up for the party in her dress & shoes from Aunt Kaysi

Friday, March 25, 2011

Thanks Dr. Cluver

Tinley had her last chiropractor appointment with Dr. Cluver in Clinton today. We were going three days a week, but since I go back to work Monday this is not going to work for us anymore.  We may switch to another chiropractor up here if we feel it is still necessary.

Dr. Cluver was wonderful with Tinley!  Tinley would always smile big for her.  We will miss seeing her.  She truly is passionate at what she does and has made Tinley a more comfortable baby.  We still have problems with acid reflux and projectile vomiting, but since we have been seeing her Tinley has made progress. 

Dr. Cluver and Tinley

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Trial Run

Tinley had a trial run at her daycare today.  Things went pretty well.  She slept for 2 1/2 hours out of the 3 1/2 hours she was there.  Mommy was able to run a few errands, have lunch with friends and get a pedicure.  I didn't want to leave her, but knowing I could go back and get her anytime made it easier on me.  Miss Lisa took pics of her and sent them to me.  Next Monday will be the test.  It is going to be a hard day.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Time Flies....

Really???  My baby girl will be 12 weeks on Friday and my maternity leave is coming to an end faster than I have wanted it to.  I thought when I had her I would blog every day about every little thing that she has done, but boy was I wrong.  I have been so busy enjoying my time with her that when I do have a free minute I am doing things around the house or trying to catch an hour or two with my husband once she goes down.  I wouldn't have it any other way though.  I adore this child. Even if some days are rough her smiles make things all better.

What has Tinley done in the last 8 weeks since my last blog:
  • She started smiling and now does it all the time when you talk to her.  I love going into her room in the morning to see that amazing smile.
  • She is cooing like crazy.  I think she wants to talk back to me.  She may just be a talker like her Mommy...haha!
  • She has really discovered her feet and hands and will stare at them.
  • She has started sucking her thumb more often, but sometimes has trouble keeping it in for a period of time and she gets frustrated.
  •  Loves her bath time!  I know I mentioned this in my last post, but she gets excited to take her baths and we give them to her almost every night.  It's part of her bedtime routine.  I hope she continues to enjoy them.
  • She is a strong baby girl.  She holds her head up so well and really has always had good head control.  This week I put her in her bumbo and she did really well.
  • She enjoys her play mat and can hit the toys with her hands and kick them to make the sound go off.  Smart little baby!
  • She isn't fond of tummy time and I am not sure if this is due to her tummy issues or not.  Speaking of tummy issues.  We saw a specialist and he says it is just acid reflux.  He suggested using rice in her formula and put her back on Zantac.  The rice made things worse for her tummy so we stopped that.  I refuse to put her back on meds and instead have been taking her to a chiropractor.  We still have projectile vomiting, but she seems more content then she did 7 weeks ago when we started seeing the chiro. Her pediatrician says it will get better once she can sit up on her own around 5-6 months.
  • She started pulling herself up in the last few weeks.  Seriously should she be able to do that already?  She has sat up in her bouncer, swing and while being feed. She is a mover for sure.
  • Something she has started in the past couple weeks is pushing herself to the top of her bed.  I had her comforter draped over her bed and a bear in it that I have to remove  because she can move.  Last Sunday morning at 4:30am Justin woke me up to come look at her in her bed. She had pushed herself to the top and turned sideways laying against her bumper pad.  She scares me!  
  • She enjoys looking at the colors on the TV so I decided to try her Baby Einstein movie and she loves it.  I am going to have to get her some more.  
  • We finally switched her to size 1 diaper about three weeks ago and she can wear her 0-3 months clothes, well most.  Most of her pants she can wear are still newborn.  She is taking 4 oz of formula every 3 hours.  However, we started giving her more this evening because she wanted to eat every 2 hours today so I think she is ready to start taking 5-6 oz now that she is almost 3 months.
I just can't believe how much she has grown and learned in this short time.  I love her to pieces and am really getting very sad about going back to work and missing all her new little things she learns.  My time with her will be short at nights now, but I will make the most of them.  She has truly changed our lives and we can't get enough of her.

Here are some pics of my beautiful baby girl....

Watching her favorite toy...We don't leave home without it.
Scrub a dub dub...my baby is in the tub

More beautiful smiles
Watching Baby Einstein
My thumb sucker
Loves her Daddy

Sitting up with Mommy
Playing on my mat
Sporting my Gap skinny jeans
Baby legs
Tummy Time
Sleeping Beauty

Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday, January 31, 2011

{Happy "One Month"}

Our beautiful baby girl is one month old today!  Oh how this month has flown by.  Tinley you have made your Mommy & Daddy's dreams come true. We adore you.  This month you visited Dr. Emm, the pediatrician, for your first and second week check-ups. You went down in weight from you birth and even what you left the hospital at so we had to start supplementing your breastfeeding with formula.  You didn't do so well with regular formula so we had to switch you to soy around 3 weeks.  You have had some tummy issues which make you fussy at times, but other than that you are a perfect angel.  Your umbilical cord fell off on January 19th, Mammy's 50th birthday.  After, that you were able to take you first real bath and you absolutely loved it and still do. You have taken a few trips this month out of  the house.  You have been to Mammy's, Grammy's, KK's, a surprise dinner for Mammy's 50th Birthday where you got all dressed up, and a few shopping trips (Target, Toys R Us, Wally & the Mall).  I think you are going to be a shopper like your parents. You have also started sucking you thumb like your Mommy did when she was little.  Daddy doesn't really like it, but he doesn't have a choice.  You are a very strong girl, you hold you head up all the time and have done so since birth.  You aren't very fond of the bouncy chair, unless Mommy is blow drying her hair.  I think you love the sound of it.  You do enjoy your swing sometimes, but most of all you like to be held and talked to.  We love you sweet baby!

 Our little thumb sucker
 Dress Up
 My first bath
 Sleeping beauty
 Going shopping
 Listening to daddy talk to me

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

{She's Here}

Tinley Rylene Alexander
Born December 31, 2010 at 5:07 pm
7lbs. 2oz. 19 inches

She is just BEAUTIFUL & all our dreams come true!!

Check out pictures taken by Studio Barbie - Tinley at Hospital and Tinley's Newborn.

Here is a part of a note Justin wrote to his co-workers on January 3rd about Tinley's birth and I thought it was sweet and well written so I just had to share:

Hey!  Everything is going pretty well.  Overall, Tinley is a very healthy girl.  Tori has been released as of today however, Tinley’s bilirubin levels were up so she has to be under light most of the day and overnight just as a precaution.  Mommy is getting to spend lots of time with her down in the nursery.  If all goes well, we hope to be released on Tuesday morning.

Last Friday was a long and hard day of labor.  Tori did an awesome job and made good progress all day.  When she became fully dilated, the nurses warned that it was going to be a tight squeeze.  The Dr only allowed Tori to push for a little over 1 hour.  After that hour of pushing, the Dr was called in to perform a c-section.  This isn’t what Tori wanted but after the Dr’s exam, it was necessary because her head would not fit through Tori’s pelvis.  The c-section went perfect and daddy made it thru without any episodes after passing out cold Thursday evening just watching them put Tori’s IV in.  Let me tell you, I was the talk of the nurses’ station all night.

Mom is healing fine but really sore and has to take it easy.  I’m glad that I will be at home to help out since she will be limited on her movements for awhile.