This happened a few weeks ago, and I am finally getting back to our family blog. This also means that it is midnight, everyone has long gone to bed, and I am feeling guilty for not posting some of the funny stuff happening.
It all started last night, that is today started yesterday. Let me explain. Scott was getting the sprinkling system going last night and found that we had 2 valves that needed to be replaced. The particular brand of sprinklers we have are not sold in our town, so I had to go to Ogden to get them. Can you think of anything more dreaded than taking two boys to a plumbing store? (Maybe going to the doctor.) I can think of about 3 billion other things I rather do. Spencer and Kai felt the same way. They begged me to let them stay home. If I was taking Mica to school I would have given in, but no way. The tantrum starts and soon the compromise is they can bring their grasshoppers. The only rule is that the lid has to stay on the grasshoppers. On the way to Ogden we see the over turned banana truck, horses, and lots of trucks. The exit that we took was 12th street, it is down to one lane. Then I turned on to Wall and it is one lane. The traffic wasn't bad, but the road was horrible. The plumbing store is tucked in behind another big building and kind of hard to find. When got to the store there wasn't a regular door, but a garage door. I am really wondering if I was in the right place, it looked a bit hokey. It was. I told the guy there what I need, and it is like we are not speaking the same language. I am not an idiot, but he was making me feel like I was.
I kept telling him that we have replaced one of the valves 3 times this spring, that I think it is because we have to much water pressure, and I need a pressure reducer. He looks at me, he looks at Kai and Spencer as they climb over the top of me and around in circles, and explained. "It is not your water pressure. You didn't winterize your spinklers last fall. You have to drain all of the water from the line. You don't need a pressure reducer." He kept looking at all of the men standing behind me waiting to be checked out. The phone rings, he answered it. After he hangs up I say to him, "alright, give me the two valves and the stuff that goes with it. I hope I don't have to come back for that pressure reducer." It was like he didn't even hear anything I said. He saw me and two kids and thought "how can I get her out of here fast", and "why did her husband send her without a detailed list and instructions". My friend Sherrie would say, "Tori, you don't know that he was thinking that. You just think that he was thinking that because you were thinking that." It turns out he was partly right. The valve still didn't work but we didn't need a pressure reducer, we did need to blow the line out. Scott found 3 pieces of gravel in the valve.
That should be the end of the story, but it gets better. Remember the grasshoppers? There were about 15 baby grasshoppers that the boys had been collecting over the past weeks. We were half way home when Spencer yells, "Mom stop, the lid came off the grasshopper!" Yep, I had 15 baby grasshoppers in my car. I hope they have all died. However, there are probably enough crumbs in my car to keep them alive.