I Tried to Pull It Apart and Put It Back Together
Guster is releasing a new album called Ganging Up on the Sun on June 20. Guster released the final track list this week:
1. Lightning Rod 2. Satellite 3. Manifest Destiny 4. One Man Wrecking Machine 5. The Captain 6. The New Underground 7. Ruby Falls 8. C'mon 9. Empire State 10. Dear Valentine 11. The Beginning of the End 12. Hang On
Guster's first single from the album is One Man Wrecking Machine, which can be downloaded at iTunes now. Guster is a generous band and has released a B-side to go with it: The New Underground. Guster's words: The album version has a 40 second masturbatory intro that the single version doesn't have. The single version has a wholesome electric guitar in the first verse that the album version doesn't have. Guster has also released the album version of their single on theirspace for your streaming pleasure. Guster would prefer we not forget about their very first release from this album, Manifest Destiny, which is some tasty pop indeed.Guster is also releasing episodes of their sitcom called Joe's Place for you to watch here. Guster must have been amused after watching video of their recording sessions.
Guster is not coming to Iowa. Guster's announcement of this news prompted me to email: Come on! You're touring via biodiesel and you're not coming to Iowa?!? We're ready and waiting for you. Guster is very cool and actually responded: No current plans for Iowa, but we'll be on tour through the summer and fall. Hope to see you then! As always, dates will be added to the tour page at guster.com as they're scheduled.
Me gusta Guster.
1 comment:
The ones here on YouTube are funnier.
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