Monday, August 31, 2009

What in the WORLD!

I should have noticed the signs. A little cranky, biting down during feedings, more drool than usual- but as a mother who's first two kids teeth were just pushing through on their first birthdays it was the last thing I expected.

Yep, baby Addison who is just about 4 months old, is cutting her first tooth. It is on the bottom left and I think it is the third or forth tooth over from the middle... weird again. Anyway, I couldn't capture the tooth with the camera - my battery is dead - but I do imagine that it would be pretty impossible to hold her mouth open while taking a picture anyway (You can't see it when she smiles...)

I have pretty much held her for the last couple of days so I was absolutely delighted when I found the tooth and had a legit reason to give her some tylenol! And now after holding her all day again she is finally sleeping!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Baby Addison! Almost 3 Months


Pink Eye

You all know how DRAMATIC any illness can be for Ava..... she wore these goggles for quite a few days!


Sunday, May 31, 2009

Welcome Sweet Addison!

Our little Addison was born at half past midnight on May 10th. What a wonderful Mother's Day Gift!

At birth she weighed in at 6 lbs 12 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long She is a strawberry blonde (I am praying her hair color stays! - But just in case I snipped some off and put it in a plastic bag...)

She is the sweetest little baby and we are so grateful for her arrival and for her Grandma and Granna for helping us out during this special time in our lives.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Okay, I about died laughing! This is the first time I have taken Ava and Alex on the Autotopia ride at Disneyland. I thought it was hilarious when Ava was driving and we were getting wiplash left and right, then Alex got in the drivers seat. When those tires hit the center rail that keeps the car on the road the whole steering wheel would turn the direction we were getting whipped. With Alex and his little body and those little hands holding tight to the steering wheel he was in serious danger of flying, rather spinning, cartwheel like out of the car. Seriously. I haven't laughed that hard in ages!!!!!