Saturday, May 10, 2008

new births around the farm

got some new kittens a couple of weeks ago.. there are three black ones.. they just started to peak over the bucket we have them in.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Three layouts for today.. will add more this week.. Ivy is teething and irritable so my time is very limited this week.. I have to do a challenge layout this week.. don't know if i can post it but it is very interesting.. hope i can make it to the next round.. will update on that next week when i find out on Monday..

I just had a talk with david he was telling me about a girl at work that is going through alot.. don't know if i should say her name but she is a woman my age and has 2 kids that her husband left and took the kids.. she moved here to jesup to be near them and still doesn't have custody of them.. keep her in your thoughts and prayers please..
also a family at our church was in a bad car wreck the mother and the child are going through alot right now and need our prayers too..
my dad.. love this photo of him.. and the swirls don't look that pretty on the photo but it is a glass bead that looks kind of like water..
Jameson at the strawberry patch..
and of course sweet Ivy i just love love love this layout.. i really wish i had a shadow box that large to frame this one.. i love these b & w photos of her..
have a great day
go dawgs.
My friend Pat had this on the message board and i felt like i needed to post this on my blog too..
if you have the time sign up please..

At, you can sign up for a free kit to join the registry for these 2 weeks in May. They explain the process of donation if you were chosen to donate to a person. Danielle (his wife) has been on the registry for over 15 years and has never been called to donate. Most people are able to donate stem cells which are easily obtained by filtering the blood. This is similar to donating plasma at the blood center. They only need 5% of your stem cells for a donor, and this is replenished in 4-6 weeks. It is a much simpler process then years ago when people had to donate bone marrow. At, they further explain who is eligible to sign up and the responsibilities of signing up. Even if you do not feel you are the right person to sign up please forward this to everyone in your e mail contact list during May 5th through 19th, 2008. Or you can post this a work or church. You can help us to reach many people who might be willing to be tested.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Strawberry Patch

Last week Jameson had a field trip to the strawberry patch.. and it was freezing.. can you believe this weather.. Christy went with me too.. The kids kind of picked some strawberries but we could not enjoy them because it was so cold.. we left fairly quick.. i only picked a few to make pie with.. Ivy slept the whole time.. thank goodness she really didn't need to be in the cold weather.. Jameson loves strawberries so that is a good thing.. when we were leaving she wanted to eat some so i got some really cute pictures with stawberry juice all of her face.. and by the way those are the best strawberries i have ever eaten.. so sweet and juicy..

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Pierced ears

Ivy got her ears pierced last weekend.. and boy was it not easy being momma.. Lillian came, she had gotten Ivy earrings for christmas so i thought it was very important that she was there.. She looked so pretty in that green and green hat too.. Ivy was not happy afterwards and neither was I.. It is not easy watching your child hurt from anything.. especially when they are that small.. so now they are in and everything is fine with her ears.. Jameson she even got upset when Ivy got her ears pierced..

Saturday, April 12, 2008

its the weekend..

well David is working 13 days straight so i will be home most of the week with the kids. Tuesday we go to the strawberry patch.. and it is suppose to be cold.. i hope there are still strawberries to pick .. then on thursday ivy gets her 3 month old photos taken and then ivy and jameson are going to the doctor.. jameson gets her shots (shhhh don't tell her) and ivy gets her check up for the month.. so hoping i get some layouts done.. i ordered alot of scrapbook supplies and should be getting those monday or tuesday.. had to get 2 albums cole doesn't have this year album yet and i already have layouts that need to be in the albums.. it is so hard to find a album for a boy.. so got something i can mess around on and do my own design on the front.. and the new baby line which is called animal crackers by making memories.. my favorite... all the stores around me are closing so i am having to order everything online now.. and the one that is the closest is an hour or so away.. so it is cheaper to order on line than to drive.. and i don't have to worry about the kids either..

okay posting layouts today..Pat you have already seen them.. thanks for all your wonderful comments.. i love them.. and love your blog too..

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

a new haircut

Yesterday Cole and Jameson got haircuts.. finally.. jameson cut her hair herself and i tried to fix the front.. not good.. took them to tina yesterday and cole got the regular hair cut and jameson got well a cut off.. afterwards we went to the park.. will post more photos tomorrow or sometime this week.. and one of Ivy.. my little cupcake...

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

very hectic around my house

Geez have i had a week.. jameson has been sick and i think Ivy is getting something also.. and i think she is getting a tooth cause she sure is drooling everywhere and now her nose is runny.. cole has had a soar throat and all this allergy stuff.. and usually cole is the only one that isn't ever sick.. oh and did i say it was spring break too.. and inventory for david.. and we don't see him at all till all the madness is over with.. so most of the time i am so exhausted i don't want to blog.. i am adding some pics though.. i know Rachael and Wendy appreciate the updates.. oh and i have a new babysitter... my dog Reagan.. this is what she likes to do when Ivy is sleeping.. we also have a new family the geese are have babies goslings.. they are so cute under the pecan orchard.. every day they go under the pecans and walk around with the goslings there are 4 of them.. and we sit in the kitchen window and watch them through the binoculars.. cole gets a big kick out of watching them play in the grass while the momma and daddy are the protectors.. we closed the gate so the cows would not bother them.. and i think there are going to be more in a couple of days.. some of the other geese are bedding.. spring had arrived here..

will post some more photos this week sometime..



Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter Eve 2008

Saturday was a busy day.. we went to Bill morris park where the radio station and one of the churches had a giant easter egg hunt and all kinds of activities.. Jameson would not hunt in her age group and i could not help her so she was scared so no eggs for her.. cole he got some eggs.. they rode horses and got on all the inflatable activities.. and got there faces painted.. Jameson got a butterfly and Cole got on one side of his face a G and the other side a F with a cross through it.. if you are a dawg fan then you know what that means... he thought of that himself....



Wednesday, March 19, 2008

i love these layouts

If you all don't know by now I love my mother in law.. she is such a kind and amazing woman.. i got really lucky to have David and his family.. i remember the day i found out the results of the biopsy i was at work calling on my break to find out.. it wasn't good.. and i knew things were going to change in all of our lives.. and they did.. Lillian was very sick when she started with the strong chemo.. i looked forward to the 2nd week when she got her strength back and was feeling better.. nothing is really normal when you are going through chemo.... my heart just broke when i knew she was hurting so bad and so weak.. and then come to find out she could not be there when ivy was born.. that really broke my heart.. and we had to stay an extra day in the hospital.. we were all looking so forward to lillian seeing ivy.. i know how much she loves her grandchild and the idea of her noth being there was heartbreaking.. lillian decided she would go to the hospital window and look at her i guess when you are desperate to see your grandchild you will do anything.. and then the next day we got to leave the hospital and lillian had to go to savannah for a doctors appointment so we had to wait again.. i have to say i cried in the hospital when we found out we had to stay another night.. i was just so excited to be leaving so lillian could see her new granddaughter..
so this year for our relay for life i really want to support what ever i can to help find a cure for cancer.. cole is taking money up for his school for relay for life and i am sure our church will to if you all would like to help let me know..
love you lillian.. and this post is for you for all you do for me and for our children.. also butterflies are a symbol for new beginnings and the layout i did with you and ivy is a new beginning in life and recovery..

Thursday, March 13, 2008

i am getting busy with layouts

i am gradually doing more layouts of Ivy.. i need too.. i have so many wonderful photos but not enough time.. any babysitters out there?? Ivy doesn't like to sleep much during the day so this is a great accomplishment when i don't have much time to even wash dishes.. unless she is sitting on the counter in her Bumbo chair.. she gets really upset if she doesn't see me either.. i am thinking it might be seperation anxiety..

well went back to the my post op check up at Dr Davis office.. and the nurse says take it easy.. and rest.. well i can't with a newborn and 2 children and a husband to take care of.. i am not eating heavy foods still kind of bland most of the time.. i did have mexican the other day just chicken and mushroom quesdilla though pretty bland there.. no margarita for me though.. wish i could just have one.. so i go back next week.. i think she is a little concerned about my "bottom" sickness (if you know what i mean) still having that since surgery.. i really don't want to go there though okay.. just get my drift this is not easy recovery for me.. having a baby is very easy recovery for me.. and taking it easy is not exactly what i am doing right now.. i have alot of house work and if i don't do it who will.. so if you come to my house and see it is a mess it isn't that i don't want to clean it means there are more important things on my table like.. holding Ivy all day and taking a little time to scrapbook when i can.. i do cook though.. and at least wash the dishes.. that is one thing that has to be done..


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

the kids

it was finally nice outside and the azaleas are blooming so took some pictures of the kids in front of the azalaes.. ivy is drooling so her shirt is wet which is kind of funny.. cole is in love with ivy.. saturday morning i was making breakfast and i asked him to go to the bedroom to check on ivy and he comes carrying her.. that was the first time i really realized that he is big enough to carry her.. he really enjoys it too.. cole is a big help and she loves every minute of it..
Today is also dress myself day for jameson so she decided to wear this today.. doesn't she like to pose.. she loves the camera and she was posing away in all different ways.. she is just too funny.

have a great day

Friday, March 07, 2008

i did Ivys first layout today

This is her first page in her album and i am pretty proud of it.. i am in love with this photo that Trish Armstrong did.. there is something about her being in Davids hands that i adore. I just wish i had gotten this photo for Jameson when she was a newborn.. There wasn't alot of good photos this day because she wasn't happy.. That was before the meds. I am finally getting back to feeling better and getting my energy back everyday so hopefully i can catch up on all the photos i want to do layouts on.. i hope you like it..

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

bike parade today

today at jamesons school was a bike parade.. we walked around the block and everyone rode there bike.. some even decorated them.. i forgot to decorate jamesons.. but it was really fun..

Cole has been taking tennis lessons on mondays from Mr Bob Boyles.. he is very talented at tennis.. and he loves playing too.. this spring he is not playing baseball he wants to play football instead.. which i am not fond of him playing but i am going to let him play this year to let him understand it isn't easy for a little boy his size..

so here are some pictures of the kids..

Thursday, February 28, 2008

pictures of my girls

I finally got to use my new camera so here are some really cute photos of my girls being pretty. some of Ivy and Jameson last week outside when the weather was really nice.. Cole was at his dads house so that is why he is not in the pictures.
i thought these photos were posted guess not..
going to try them again..

Monday, January 28, 2008

long time no see sorry about that

Well Ivy is finally here.. and things are getting into a schedule with her.. although we have had some issues with her.. she has acid reflux and exhema so she is on meds and doing a lot better..i was barely getting 3 hours of rest there for a while.. now giving her some cereal and her meds helps her sleep more.. although her bed is elevated that helps from the milk coming back up..

david took my camera outside and left it out and it rained on my camera so i have been borrowing Christys for a while until i get me a new one.. so not too many pictures. but here are some ..

Sandy took some really great pictures of Ivy..

Saturday, October 20, 2007

i am back...

I have pretty busy getting ready for Ivy to come.. and just have not had the energy to do much else. and my camera is not taking pictures for some reason. David and I took Jameson to the pumpkin patch with her school and none of the pictures were taken.. i was very upset.. so don't know if it is the camera or the chip.. Last week we went to Athens for the weekend and it was just so nice to relax and eat and enjoy the grandparents. and of course the varisty.. we even ate there for a change.. and david enjoyed it this time..

Cole is at his cub scout camping this weekend.. what a great weekend for that.. so i am anxious to see how much fun he had.. he went with his dad and his step brother so i know he had a great time with the boys only thing..

Rachael sorry i don't have any pictures but i will try and update more often..
Didn't know you enjoyed my blog and made you feel like home.. gosh i miss you..

will be back soon with pictures of the nursery when i get done with it and some photos of the kids.. i promise..
