Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Matl Sensei ground work

I scored some old video from my judo teacher.  It was taken in 1973 in Czechoslovakia. I edited it down to just the ground work in this edition.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Kokyu - breath 呼吸

Breathing - the first act outside the womb to prove if we are meant for this world or not.  It is our first and most immediate link to our environment.  It is the line where the external world blends with the internal.  It is basis for activity, health and dealing with pain.

The main thing I have learned in my time studying Systema is to focus on relationship with breathing while doing my aiki.  Kokyu is in the principals of our art, but I simply had not encountered a teacher that focused on it before.

I suggest you embrace the breath.  It is training.  It is meditation.  It is a simple way to control the tension in our system. While training I notice the people that quickly burn out hold their breath while performing actions.

Look to the other arts.

The Zen students focus on breath.  Shooters, weight lifters, runners, swimmers, and child bearers all focus on the breath.  We should too.  I suggest breathing exercises friends.  It has changed my art and my relationship with my body.

Funny thing about the word kokyu- the word's definition not only means breathing, but another definition is that is it the trick or secret of doing something.  Makes me think there is more to this breathing thing in the arts after all.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

術 Jutsu not Jitsu

English speakers by and large  have been writing and pronouncing the the second charecter in the word 'jujitsu' wrong.  It is the pronunciation and writing is jutsu, not jitsu. I have found some modern romanizations use jyutsu - but lets stick with jutsu.

Yes you will find some older books with the use of jitsu or even the awful jiu-jitsu spellings. Honestly there was no standardization of romanization. "The lack of solidarity in romanisation of Japanese (both by Japanese nationals and others) when these words were first borrowed brought all of this on - and it stuck. At least nowadays the Japanese Language Council has prescribed one system of romanization." - Daniel Lee on E-budo
Honestly this is a lost battle. No matter how many times I correct the internet - people keep writing 'jitsu' Cool. I lose. But if you want to have a little more correctness in your use of the Japanese language for your writings, I do suggest the utsu spelling.

Long had I believed both writings were OK.  Long have  I sworn my teacher in Japan said 'jitsu'.  And even my business card says 'jitsu'.  The window at my dojo says 'jitsu'.  I was wrong.

from Jisho


art; means; technique  - the kana for it's pronounciation is quite clear  じゅつ = jutsu.

from romanjidesu


art; technique; skill; means; trick; resources; magic again in katakana - ジュツ = jutsu

again - ジュツ = jutsu

Jutsu  -  Wikipedia

Last Chrismas I had the pleasure of sitting down with 20 Japanese teachers studying English at my wife's school.  I asked them the jitsu versus jutsu question.  They ALL told me it was jutsu.  Still I refused to believe and pressed them further.  They speculated that English speakers simply cannot easily pronounce jutsu so there was some pronounciation drift.  Simply we like saying jitsu, just like Japanese people say 'wapuro' instead of word processor.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Another film

I got some new editing software and I needed to play with it.  I am just demoing some stuff to my class slow and mellow.

 Be good to one another.  Don't play with knives kids.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Elbow Techniques

 My poor blog.  Neglected. 

I did however shoot a little film of the hiji waza set of our primary grouping of techniques.  I start with a weak line balance break/ikkyo.  Then it moves on through the rest of the standard kata.

Monday, January 28, 2013

ZenBrush App pieces

Here are a few more pieces I have written using the Zen Brush app for the Ipad.  The first is Buddhist and Aiki iconography of the triangle circle and square.  The second piece is a seal script form of kuzu,  to crumble/collapse.  Often in Judo we translate it as balance break.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Daito Ryu 大東流 Calligraphy

This is a piece I worked on today.  It is a combination of old oracle style and bronze age style calligraphy.  It reads 大東流 - big east school.  It is the style of martial arts I studied when I lived in Japan.

Recently I bought the ZenBrush app for the Ipad.  This is an experiment.