It's that time again, set of Dorper Triplets this morning, several more ewes due soon so I got out the marking paint and tagged these three. They are much easier to mark on the first day, by second or third day they do a good job of either out running me or zig zagging making them hard to catch. Also I mark the ewe first, it is easier to match the lambs to the ewe that way. Some hear the pffffffft from the spray can and end up with racing stripes, so babies get matching stripes if that's the case. These are one ram and two ewe lambs.
They got red dots up on top their shoulders.
I finally got off my duff yesterday and took Shetland and Angora fleeces off to a new start up mill north of here. My intentions of taking pictures of all the bags of fleece were good, just forgot and boxed them up ... oops too late for pictures. Baa Baa Black Sheep have you any wool, yes sir, yes sir, lots of bags full, actually over 44 pounds worth.
I passed this ranch once before, they have 2 of these trucks, one on either end of their ranch. I didn't find a place to pull off to take a picture of the first one, but had time to look for a wide spot in the road to get this one.
Weather here continues to be hot, but hey it's a dry heat, still in the 90's. Love reading all the blogs lately about cold almost freezing temps.