Monday, November 18

Rusty update

I know it's been a while... I am certainly rusty at this but here goes!

In the past two years since I last posted here are some things that we have experienced;
1. changed jobs
2.moved to Texas 
3. gone to Disneyland
4. bought a car 
5. sold our house in Vegas
6. & 7. found out about a blood disease and behavior disorder 
8. gone on a month long road-trip
9.joined a competition cheer leading team 
10. had surgery for a broken nose 
11. been in and out of ward callings 
12. enjoyed season passes to Six Flags
13. celebrated dozens of birthdays
14. attended Honor choir and Show choir performances
15. fashioned Halloween costumes
16.  ....and the list goes on and on! 

I think I may have to take more than just the one little spot to fill in all the blanks.
Wish me luck!

Saturday, April 2

First Games of the Season

All three monkies are playing soccer for the Warriors again this spring and they are lovin it!

Warner played at 11:00 am.
He played as a defender and His team won 5-1

Xander played at 12:00 pm.
He was all over the place, defending, scoring...
They don't keep score for the little ones, but,....
He scored 3 goals!

Kaylee played at 2:00pm
She played as a forward, her team's only striker and made her first goal ever!!
Her team won 13-0

Friday, April 1

Dessert for Dinner?

Tonight for dinner I made....
A huge double layer cake with pink frosting,......

Fresh squeezed lemonade,......

and Spaghetti and meatballs for dessert.

I can't understand why they are making these confussed faces.

Cake... Meatlaof baked in round cake pans, "frosted"with pink mashed potatoes

Lemonade... Lemon Jell-O

Spaghetti... Angle food cake toped with strings of frosting and strawberry sauce

Maetballs... Chocolate covered cherries.

April Fools!

Tuesday, March 22

It's Been a say the least

I know it has been like FOREVER since I posted something new... so if you're reading this... that means one of two things...

1. You really love us, and desperately want an update on what's new with the Simpson's

2. You're super bored and stumbled across this post by coincidence.

Either way is fine... Here's a little something new... hopefully I will stay on the ball and get more out there! (Don't hold your breath).

Monday, March 21

A Day Lost in Daybreak

One day while we were visiting in UT.... we got lost in Daybreak...literally.
I had no idea how to get back to South Jordan (this was before I got GPS and maps on my Smart Phone!). Kaylee was a little freaked out. So we started park hopping...Daybreak is loaded with parks. We found this one near a small lake, that was right up the kids alley, tons of ropes and nets for climbing... they really are little monkeys, aren't they?

Monday, August 30

First Day of School

The kids are back in school, my baby is in Kindergarten......
though he hates it when I call him 'my baby', he tells me "Call me Xanny, or Xan , or Xander, but not baby!"
So, Xander, is in all day kindergarten, He helped me pack up his lunch and he couldn't wait to get out the door.
It cooled down this morning so we walked to school, Xander was a little disapponted that he didn't get to ride the bus any more (since his pack pack was so heavy).
When we got to the school, the big kids (I can't believe I'm calling them that) ran off to their class and Xander shooed me away so he could play with his new friends. I'm sure the kids are much more at ease than I am!

So with Kaylee off to her all-girls 4th grade class, Warner to his all-boys 2nd grade class and Xan to his all-day kindergarten class.....I had to walk home all-alone!

Wednesday, June 2


I can't believe that the school year is over! We had a great year, and that's not just because we didn't have to change schools.

Warner Loved being in Ms. Kalicki's all boys class, and he will 'loop' with his classmates and teacher, staying together with the group for 2nd grade. Warner has become a social butterfly (but don't tell him I called him a butterfly) he is very thoughtful and the boys in his class really enjoy being his friend. He received the coveted Citizenship Award; which wasn't to difficult for him, since following the rules and ensuring others do too, comes naturally to him. Way to go Warner for getting the one award your big sister hasn't gotten yet!

Kaylee was in Mrs. Giarmo's, all girls class and she really seemed to blossom. She made plenty of friends and enjoyed science and reading. She received an award for earning all A's or B's through the whole year. I'm so proud of her ability to stay focused and motivated to the end. I know she'll do great in 4th grade.