Thursday, June 30, 2011

Picnic Lunch!

Porter and Aubrey enjoying a warm summer day.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Beautiful Bows!

A girl can never have to many bows!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Picnic Time

 Porter and Aubrey having a picnic lunch.

Shelby's First Pony Tail!

Shelby has so much hair I was able to put it in a pony tail.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Porter!

Porter had a police themed birthday and was super excited with his visit from a real policeman with his motorbike.
Once again Auntie Saint delivered.

Porter enjoying his Red Robin Sundae.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Aubrey Photograghy!

Aubrey loves taking pictures if I leave the camera where she can find it she is taking a million pictures. Here are a few she took the other day.

Quin and his loved Lion!

Tollefson Garden!

We planted our first garden. The kids did most the digging and are really excited about growing our own fruits and veggies.

Wilson Heights!

Nate just finished his second set of apartments. The Wilson Heights apartments is a two phase project the first phase is 39 units and starting next fall he will begin the second phase which will give us a total of 78 units all together.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Aubrey Vs. The Road!

Aubrey went face first over her bike handle bars and her tooth went through her lip. Sadly, she was only worried about what she wasn't going to be able to eat!

Porter And His Big Boy Bike!

Finally Porter is big enough to ride the bike he got from Santa two Christmas's ago. He is getting really good and I fear our days in the ER are coming. He rides down the hill full speed without hands and is able to turn the corner into our driveway with no hands.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Silly String War!

Nate bought a bunch of cans of silly string and him and the kids had alot of fun. Nate was the victor in this war.