Tuesday, August 17, 2010

GG Rella!

My Brother Bryan, Cousin Sarah, Cousin Hailee, Aubrey, Porter, Jackson, GG Rella and Me.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Will And Shannon's Wedding!

Since it was colder than we thought it was going to be and the pool was outside. Aubrey and Jackson decided to bring swimming inside.

Jackson, Aubrey, and Porter

Grandma and Papa and the three grandkids.

Aubrey dancing with Grandma.

Porter and Aubrey playing the spoons.
Jackson playing the spoons.

Porter and Nate were the only two brave ones to go into the water. Porter is getting really good at swimming all by himself and did a couple laps back and forth.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Safety Fair!

The Fire Department put on a safety fair for the kids. They brought in both Life Flight Helicopters, Fire Trucks, Ambulance, and Police Cars.

Porter couldn't wait to see the helicopters and was ready to take a ride. He was very disappointed when I told him they only gave rides when you were hurt. He then looked at me after thinking for a moment and said, "so mom if I get hurt I can ride in the helicopter?" Not really the best plan.

Porter hoped right in and couldn't wait to try on the helmet and see all the neat tools they had in the helicopter. Aubrey, on the other hand wasn't getting in for anything.

This is Porter flying the helicopter.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Look Close There Might Be A Suprise!

Nate and I are happy to say we are pregnant. After a long wait and a few heart breaks along the way. Our Mircle has finally happened. I am due Febuary 11, 2010, but if you see the suprise we are expecting TWINS! The doctor tells me I will not go past 37 weeks which means we will meet our babies sometime in January.

12 Weeks and Counting!

Went to the doctor today and babies are doing really good. They are moving, one of them even kicked the other in the head. Not a lot of room.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day On Flathead Lake!

We got a chance to go boating with some friends on Flathead. It was a beautiful day clear sky and no wind. Nate got a chance to wake board and did pretty good for his first time out.

Aubrey and her buddy Tanner on the tube.

Jackson, Tanner and Porter on the tube.


Jackson and Porter.
Nate going off the robe swing. After Nate went Porter thought he should be able to give it a try too. "Maybe next year?"

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Pictures With Uncle Bob!

We got a chance to see Uncle Bob, he hasn't seen Aubrey since she was a tinny little baby. They both enjoyed the visit and were sad that Bob had to go home and really sad when they realized Washington D.C. was so far away.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

3rd of July!

We got to join cousins for a 3rd of July picnic the kids were all dressed and ready for breakfast.

San Diego Fun!

Cassidy, Naomi, and Aubrey riding the range.
Aubrey got to see and hold baby Liam again. Only this time he was almost as big as her.

Porter loving baby Liam.
It is always fun swimming in Uncle Darren and Aunt Sarah's pool. Porter wanted to do nothing else put swim. He got really got this time and by the end of the week could swim all by himself with no arm wings or life jacket.
Aubrey enjoyed the pool as well.

Cassidy and Aubrey spent most their time in the hot tub who can blame them.