Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Future Builder!

We went to Nate's work today to watch him put trusses on the Porter Apartments that he is building. When we got home, Porter went right to work.

Bubbles Bubbles

Finally a nice day. The kids took full advantage of it.

Dancing Aubrey!

It is a little hard to see, but Aubrey loves to dance. She turns on the music and dances all around the house. Maybe we have a future Sugarbear on our hands.

Baby Aubrey!

Aubrey has been going through a "I am a baby!" phase. Porter steps right up and does what ever she needs. Here he is feeding her lunch.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Baking With Grandma!

Porter loves to bake. He helped my mom mix up the dough and then cut the cookies out.

Porter rolling the dough out.
Aubrey got to help grandma make the frosting.

My Grandpa Is Awesome!

With Nate gone all week working in Great Falls, the kids and I decided to take a trip to Grandma and Papa's. Porter has always thought his Grandpa was Awesome but after this weekend he truly thinks his Grandpa is the best. My dad let the kids come to his work and look at the snowplows.
I didn't realize how big they really were until Porter was standing next to the tire.

Porter loves all things truck and had a great time pretending to drive the snowplow.
Aubrey loved it as well.
Porter climbing up the ladder to see the sand.

Porter, Aubrey and Grandpa driving the loader. Porter is so machine inclined that after only a short this is how you pick up snow, this is how you dump snow, he had it figured out.
The kids also got to go see the fire trucks.
Fire Woman Aubrey.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

We're All Twisted Up!

A fun game of twister.
Upside down Aubrey.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Family Pictures!

Porter always does so good. He does exactly what he is told to do.
Aubrey did great this time around as well.

Finally, we got an updated family picture. The Last picture we took Aubrey was 6 months old.

This is to funny! I don't think we were ready!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Cookies, Cookies We Love Cookies!

Every year my mom makes the best sugar cookies. She always saves a couple so the kids can decorate their own. Porter did a really good job this year, trying to make them look like grandma's.

Aubrey of course ate more frosting then she put on her cookie.

Finished product.
Aubrey's cookie.

Not So Easy, Easy Bake Oven!

A month ago when I had the kids go through catalogs and cut out the toys they wanted on their wish list Porter asked for an Easy Bake Oven. I kept telling him he was to young for an Easy Bake Oven. But he kept talking about it and saying, Mom, I hope I get the Oven." GG Rella came through and Porter got his Easy Bake Oven.
Once we started making the cookies we realized it wasn't so easy. It took almost an hour to bake 6 tiny little cookies. But if you could have seen how proud Porter was of those cookies it was worth it.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Aubrey comes down looks at all the stuff under the tree, including her bike and runs straight for the candy.
Nate got a marshmallow gun. He was shooting the marshmallows all over and Aubrey was running around putting them in her mouth. Nothing like a sugar high at 7am.

Porter thinking about which present to go for next.

King of the Hill!