Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Party!

Porter ready to put out the fire. Papa was able to get Porter a real Fireman Hat and Oxygen Mask.
Aubrey my little bee and Porter my fireman.

OK! So I am not a fan of getting my picture taken these days put Nate and the kids said it wasn't fair that I never post pictures of myself on the blog.

Nate has been growing out his beard for the past three weeks and today he shaved it off saving the sideburns to be the disco king.

Porter and his buddy Adam.

Our friend Noah dressed up as Nate.

He even remembered the chips and whooper.

Porter fishing for a prize.

Aubrey trying to catch the big one.

Dounut races.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Porter's School Costume Parade!

Fireman Porter
Aubrey and Porter

Porter and his buddies all dressed up!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Carving Pumpkins!

Liv, Aubrey, and Porter cleaning out their pumpkins. Aubrey enjoyed this job much more this year.

We let Porter carve his own pumpkin this year. He did a great job!

The kids also got to paint mini pumpkins.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Super Hero's To The Resue!

Even though we had to miss cousin Jackson's Birthday this year, he was nice enough to send Porter and Aubrey a Super Hero cape and mask.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Spot The Toad!

Papa found the kids a toad. Both kids loved the toad and did not want to let him go. We had to explain to them that the toad would not live in a tin can for long, and even though tears were shed the toad was set free in the creek in the back yard. Good Bye Spot.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Getting Lost and Getting Pumpkins!

This year instead of buying pumpkins from the store we thought it would be fun to take the kids to a pumpkin patch to pick out their own pumpkins. And even though it rained on us we had a lot of fun.

There was also a hay and corn maze. It took us about an hour to find our way through. Porter, Aubrey, Tru, and Liv at the end of the maze.

Lost deep instead the corn maze.
They had a little hay maze for the kids.

Aubrey in the barn.

Daddy, Aubrey and Porter in the barn.

My little pumpkins.

They even had a tiny little petting zoo. Aubrey would not go near it because it didn't meet her smell standards.


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Baby A's Close Up!

Close up of Baby A! Baby B didn't want its picture taken. Since we are not going to find out the sex they will be Baby A and Baby B until they are born.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Princess Aubrey!

Aubrey got to take a bath in true PRINCESS style...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

First Day of School!

My sweet little Porter started Kindergarten this year. It is hard to believe that he is already old enough for school.

My baby Aubrey also got to go to preschool this year. She goes two days a week for a couple hours in the morning. I think the one having the hardest time getting use to this is me. What to do with my self for two hours without any children.
Aubrey was in a super goofy mood.