Thursday, July 21, 2011

Summer Vacation With Cousin Jack!

 Shelby and Uncle Brian
 The Pelletier clan
 Nap Time

 Happy Birthday Uncle Bryan
 Jackson, Joleen, and Bryan
 Cousin Ali and Aubrey
 Yummy Ice Cream
 All the Great-Grand Kids

 Porter skiing

 GG Rella taking a nap at the lake
 GG Janet and Shelby

 Aubrey exercising with Auntie Joleen

 The McNett Clan

 Shelby learning to drive Aubrey's Car

Monday, July 4, 2011

Fourth of July, Babies First Camping Trip and Shelby and Quinton's Five Month Birthday!

Shelby watching the fireworks.
Quinton Sleeping through the fireworks.

Happy Fourth of July!

Shelby in the water for the first time.

Aubrey, Ambria, Porter, and Sarah on the Sarah Marie.

Ambria and Aubrey dancing in the water.

Porter and Daddy sleeping by the fire.