Sunday, November 28, 2010

Getting Into The Christmas Spirit!

Santa's little helpers.
It was Aubrey's turn to put on the angle.

Grandma got both Porter and Aubrey a tree for their rooms.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Hot Tub and Snowballs!

Porter is crazy, he runs from the Hot Tub into the snow rolls around and then heads back into the Hot Tub.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Winter Is Here!

Winter has finally hit. It is amazing to me how touch these kids are, even with windchill they were out there for over an hour.

Snow Angles!

Baby B's Close Up!

Baby B all tucked in. You can see the baby's face, hand and foot. Goes to show there is not much room in there.
I am glad we got a close up of Baby B. Last time Baby was a little camera shy. This time Baby A didn't feel like showing its face.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hike To The "M"

Porter has been wanted to hike the "M" all summer. Nate and him finally got a chance to hike it this fall. Porter did great they made it to the top in 19 minutes and Nate only had to carry him up a couple switchbacks.
Once up there they got a close look a deer.

They got to see the Griz practicing for their up coming game.

View from the top.