Friday, May 28, 2010

Silver Mountain Lodge

Since the weather was in no mood to corroborate and rained the entire long weekend. We decided to go have some indoor fun.

Porter got going a little to fast and ended up on his back.
Porter and Aubrey enjoying the waterfall in the hot tub.

Porter, Aubrey and Daddy floating down the lazy river.
Porter was determined to go down one of the big slides this time around. Aubrey mostly went because she had no idea what she was getting herself into. This tube ride was fast and mostly dark. When I asked Porter if he was going again he said, "that was awesome, lets go again now." Aubrey on the other hand said, "No."

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Where Is Aubrey?

The other morning I went in to wake up Aubrey and all I could see was her hair sticking out of the covers.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Aubrey!

Since we always do the kids birthday party on a Saturday and it rarely falls on their actual birthday we wanted to make their day special. So this year we decided to decorate Aubrey's room while she was sleeping.
I thought she would love it. But she woke up grumpy and said, "get these out of here, I don't like them."

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Aubrey's Third Birthday Party!

Liv, Porter, and Aubrey taking the Harley for a spin.
Princess Noah and Princess Nate

Aubrey wanted a Little Mermaid Party this year, once again Aunt Saint came through. She did a great job and Aubrey loved her Flounder cake. I am just glad she decided to share.

Tru and Noah trying out the swing set.

Aubrey giving Sarah a great big thank you hug for her present.

Tollefson Family

Friday, May 7, 2010

New Swing Set!

The kids finally got the swing set they have been waiting for.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Making Bread!

Nate and I went to Spokane for the weekend. When we got home the kids had made us homemade wiener wraps.