Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Spring Fun!

Aubrey cruising on Porter's Harley.

Porter is always thinking. For a four year old he is really good at problem solving. This is his solution for how to rake the yard.

Clean Up!

Porter is always up for helping dad.
Nate cutting up the tree that fell into our yard.

Porter's two jobs were collecting the wood scrapes and then dumping them by the firepit.

On the bright side of the tree taking out our fence, we will have firewood for sometime .

Monday, April 26, 2010


We came home on Saturday after being in town all day and this is what we found.
The best part is that after fighting the home owners association for some time now over the fishing deck, the tree just barely missed it.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Harlem Globetrotters!

We took the kids to a Harlem Globetrotters game. Are tickets were right on the court. Porter really got into it and make lots of noise.
For Porter the highlight of the game was when Big G came out. Aubrey of course was scared and afraid he was going to come to close. She kept asking if we could go sit in the back.

After the game when we asked the kids what their favorite part was. Porter responded, Globie and Big G." Aubrey thought it was funny when the Globetrotter stole the Washington Generals cloths leaving him in his undies.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Hoppy Easter!

The kids love decorating Easter Eggs.
Aubrey ate as many as she decorated.

Aubrey was of course a mess when she was done. She found that the egg scooper's were just to difficult.

The kids really got into hunting for eggs this year. They hunted until the eggs were mush.

Mini Me!

Grandma thought it would be cute to curl Aubrey's bangs. Aubrey looked in the mirror and said, "I don't like them!" The funny thing about this picture is she looks just like I did when I was her age. My mom curled my bangs just like this.

Aubrey's First Pedicure!

Aubrey got to go with grandma and me for a pedicure. At first she really didn't want to do it. I told her it was going to be fun. She looked at my with worried eyes and said, "but I don't want to take a bath here mommy." Once I explained it was just her toes she was ready. Aubrey and I got matching toes and she had a blast. Nate has know idea what he just started.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Trip To Arizona!

We got to Uncle Jeff's and Aunt Kimmie's house really late. 11:30 their time 12:30 our time. Even though the kids were really tired they couldn't wait to meet their new cousin and were really happy to see that he was not in bed when we got there.
This was the highlight of Aubrey's trip. She always wanted to hold the baby. She always new were his Binky's were and was always making sure baby Liam was alright.
Porter did really well with the baby also. He rocked him to sleep a couple times.

Messy Aubrey after Oreo Ice Cream.

Ultimate Fighting Champions!

The kids love to wrestle each other.

Easter Egg Hunt And Picnic!

While we were in Arizona that kids got to participate in Uncle Jeff's family's traditional Easter Egg Hunt and Picnic.
A mother's work is never done. Aubrey took a break from play to feed Little Liam.

The kids adding to their rock collection.
Getting ready for the big hunt.

The kids made out with a lot of eggs, and had so much fun hunting for them.

Cassidy with a basket full.

Uncle Jeff, Aunt Kimmie and Baby Liam
Two thumbs up!