Monday, June 22, 2009

Keep Rolling, Rolling Rolling!

Another cool birthday gift. It is a giant ball that the kids can climb into. They love it when Nate or I push them in it. They tumble around just like cloths in the dryer. Aubrey's hair get so full of static it is so funny.

Little Grizzly!

Porter got a Griz outfit for his birthday. He runs around the house yelling bring them out, bring them out, bring them out. This is the song they play at the football games when the Griz run out of the tunnel.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Porter!

Porter had is Birthday Party on Saturday. He decided over two months ago that he wanted a Monte birthday. So his Great Aunt Saint kindly accepted the challenge. She did an outstanding job. Porter was really proud of it. He had a great Birthday, he had two GG(great grandma's), Aunt Cindy from Virgina, lots of friends and family. We are truely lucky to have such a great family.
Aidan and Abby chasing each other with water balloons.

More of Monte! It was hard to cut it up and eat it.
Tru, Porter, Liv and Aubrey
Anders loves this motorbike. He rode it until the battery was dead.
Ambira and Grandma Saint

Porter saw these work boots in the store a while back when I was buying him tennis shoe and has asked for them ever sense. When he opened them up he said, Dad, now I can go to work with you. The funny thing is when he is old enough to go to work he won't want to.

Sophie taking care of Aubrey's Baby.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

First Camping Trip Of The Summer!

Finally, a nice weekend to go camping. We finally got our camper out for the first time this year. We are lucky to have such beautiful lakes less than two hours away. Porter loves the water and has no fear. He doesn't care how cold it is....he stays in there for hours.
Aubrey is a little less brave in true princess form...she gets in to her ankles and that is it. She doesn't like her hands, feet or shoes dirty.

Once again my olive eater. She ate the entire can of olives when I wasn't looking.
After a hard day at the lake. Porter decided it was time to relax.
My Uncle Brian brought up his four wheeler. Once Porter got on we couldn't get him off.

I Want My Blanket!

Aubrey is so attached to her blanket that I have to sneak it when I need to wash it. The other day she caught me putting in the wash. She screamed and cried and screamed and cried. She stood their trying to get it out of the washer and then just watched. I tried other blankets but she could only be comforted by her soft white blanket.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Go Fetch!

Porter would throw the Pirate Booty and say go get it Stella.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

X-Games Here I Comes!

Porter is always making me smile. He has an amazing imagination. Last night Nate took him and Aubrey to the monster truck show. There was also some extreme motor bikers their, Guy Metgzer from the X Games was their, Porter got to give him a high five. While since then he found Nate's old dirt bike helmet and has turned his bike into a motorcycle.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

And Away He Goes!

So Porter has been riding around on his bike for about a month with only one training wheel. Nate keeps changing it from side to side, many times the training wheel wasn't even touching. Tonight we decided to give it a try "No Training Wheels", and away he went. He was very proud of himself.

Nap Time

Yesterday at nap I heard Aubrey come out of her room. She said "where is Porter," I told her he was still napping. Next thing I hear is Nate and my bedroom door open were Porter was sleeping. I headed upstairs to read Aubrey the riot act and this is what I found. Aubrey had crawled into bed with Porter and snuggled right in.