Saturday, May 30, 2009

Gymnastic Fun

Porter and Aubrey got invited to a gymnastic birthday this weekend. Porter loved it they got to run and jump into the pit, jump on a huge trampoline and all kinds of other fun stuff.

Aubrey ran all the way to the end and then stopped. No way was she going to jump.

Friday, May 29, 2009


Porter and Aubrey had their friends Liv and Tru over this afternoon for some fun in the sun. Porter and Liv really got into it and were getting a running start into the pool.

Aubrey and her buddy Tru.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

An Evening Out!

It has been so nice out we have been enjoying the beautiful evenings by playing outside. This is Aubrey after a wipe out. Both her and Porter are tuff they pick themselves right up.

We brought out the kite last night, Porter had a great time and got his kite up really high.

Aubrey wanted a try and Porter let her have it the only problem.....She forgot to hang on. This is Nate jumping the fence to save the kite.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Ali's Graduation!

While Porter and Nate were camping, Aubrey and I went to Dillon to attend my cousin Ali's graduation. It was fun getting to see everyone and Aubrey loved having all the attention for herself. We are excited to have Ali in Missoula next year. Go Griz!
Aubrey at Ali's Graduation Party.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Father Son Camp Out !

Porter and Nate did the Father Son Camp Out this weekend. The spot they were originally going to was flooded by the river last week so they ended up on someone land close to Frenchtown. Porter didn't care he just enjoyed being outside.
Most of them really roughed it in tents but a few of the boys climbed into a nice warm camper trailer. As always Porter is being a monkey.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Porter Scout!

I found this shirt the other day at the Oshkosh store and had to buy it for Porter. He is excited because know he looks like an official Boy Scout.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Finally A Nice Summer Day!

This has seemed like the longest winter ever. We finally had a nice sunny day and the kids got to go in the pool.

Porter chasing Aubrey after she stole his bike.

Little Slugger!

Porter is getting really good at hitting the baseball.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Little Rocky!

Aubrey vs The Counter Top Round One. I know that Aubrey's eye looks bad but you should have seen the counter. Yesterday, Aubrey was trying to climb up on the bar stool she must have slipped and banged her face into the granite counter tops. Och! Actually, this picture makes her black and blue eye look pretty good.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

I never realized how much work being a mother is until I had my own children. I think about all the things my mom did for my brother and I and marvel at how she did it. The countless diaper changes, sleepless nights (not just when we were little but also when we were teenagers.) The endless piles of laundry, but mostly that overwhelming feeling of doing anything to protect your children from grief or harm. I am so grateful for all the wonderful mother's in my life that are a great example.

Princess Aubrey

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Aubrey!

Birthday Girl! She loves olives and thinks it is great to put them on her fingers.
I made her cake. It was an ice cream cake and the ice cream melted really fast.

Porter and the other kids had more fun opening presents. Aubrey was happy after the first present.
Porter and Aidan on the motorbike.
Even Sophie got a ride.
Tru loved the bike too.

Aubrey got lots of stuff for her baby. What a busy little mommy.
We thought the pinata made great hats.