Saturday, April 25, 2009


The kids went to a birthday party for one of their friends at the carousel.
When we first got there neither one of them wanted to ride. After watching a couple of times they decided to give it a try. Aubrey thought it was OK but was more interested in the snacks.
Porter and Smokey. Porter on the other hand didn't want to get off. It was great because they could ride as much as they wanted and never had to get off.
Aubrey on the slide at Dragon Hollow.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Pizza Pizza!

The kids love to help out in the Kitchen. This is them helping make pizza.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Once we returned home from Spokane for Easter, Aubrey started sleeping in her bed. She has done so good this week. On the down side twice she has just gotten up around 3am and headed for our room, I won't even hear her until she is in our bed.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Easter baskets.
Some how the Easter Bunny must have figured out how much Porter loves Monte!
Porter and Ambria hunting for eggs at my cousin house.
After a long weekend neither of my kids were in the mood to pose for pictures, so I had to get them on the run.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Ambria!

My cousin Chandelle's little girl turned one this week and we were so excited that we got to celebrate with her.

Petting Zoo And Horse Rides

They also had a petting zoo. Aubrey loved the bunnies, she even kissed them a number of times.
This gray bunny was Aubrey's favorite because he was fatter then the others and she could catch him.
Porter got a balloon sword from the funny clown.
Porter riding the horse. Aubrey was sure she wanted to ride it but by the time we got to the front of the line and we went to put her on she changed her mind.

1St Easter Egg Hunt

I realized we have never taken our kids to an Easter Egg Hunt before. So this year we went to Spokane for Easter. My Aunt works at a retirement home there and puts on an annual Easter Egg Hunt. They had 5000 eggs hidden around.
Aubrey really got into it and would pick two and three eggs up at a time.
Porter did a great job as well.
Aubrey with a full basket.

Friday, April 10, 2009

More Eggs!

My kids enjoyed decorating eggs so much and I felt like I didn't let them do enough the other day so I got them some more and let them do it again.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Look Out Here They Come!

Porter is such a good big brother. Aubrey still has a hard time not crashing in to things when she drives, so Porter has taken to letting her think she is driving but doing the steering for her.

Good Bye Baby Bed, Hello Big Girl Bed!

What I thought to be Aubrey's last nap in her crib??
We finally decided that Aubrey is too big for the crib and decided to get her a big girl bed. She was so excited and couldn't wait to get in. And then came bedtime. Needless to say after 45 min of crying and putting her back to bed, she ended up back in the crib.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Eggs, Eggs, And More Eggs

What balance!

Porter and Aubrey both had so much fun decorating Easter Eggs.
They also liked eating them. Less then 15 minutes after decorating a dozen eggs there were only five or six left. Of course Nate helped out.

True Montana Cowgirl!

We had one of our first nice days. Aubrey decided she didn't need pants, thankfully she left on her boots.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


A couple weeks ago Nate and Porter set up a tent in the backyard with plans to sleep in it. Unfortunately it snowed and rained later that afternoon. Porter has been wanting to sleep in the tent. So Nate put the tent up in the living room.

We got all our blankets and pillows and got all tucked in for the night.

Porter and Nate stuck it out the longest. They lasted about an hour before joining Aubrey and I upstairs in our beds.
Aubrey had a pretty good set up. The problem is she is so wiggly well trying to fall asleep she kept falling off her air mattress.