Sunday, December 27, 2009

Cookies, Cookies We Love Cookies!

Every year my mom makes the best sugar cookies. She always saves a couple so the kids can decorate their own. Porter did a really good job this year, trying to make them look like grandma's.

Aubrey of course ate more frosting then she put on her cookie.

Finished product.
Aubrey's cookie.

Not So Easy, Easy Bake Oven!

A month ago when I had the kids go through catalogs and cut out the toys they wanted on their wish list Porter asked for an Easy Bake Oven. I kept telling him he was to young for an Easy Bake Oven. But he kept talking about it and saying, Mom, I hope I get the Oven." GG Rella came through and Porter got his Easy Bake Oven.
Once we started making the cookies we realized it wasn't so easy. It took almost an hour to bake 6 tiny little cookies. But if you could have seen how proud Porter was of those cookies it was worth it.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Aubrey comes down looks at all the stuff under the tree, including her bike and runs straight for the candy.
Nate got a marshmallow gun. He was shooting the marshmallows all over and Aubrey was running around putting them in her mouth. Nothing like a sugar high at 7am.

Porter thinking about which present to go for next.

King of the Hill!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Santa stopped by the church this morning to meet the kids. I have to say that my children are two of the few who are scared of Santa....and the Little Ceasers Man.....and the Red Robin....Porter finally sat on his lap with a friend. Comfort in numbers.
As you can see Aubrey was not going near him. She did take her candy bag and from a distance told him she wanted a bike. The good news in all this is we won't have to take them to Disneyland anytime soon.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Gingerbread House

Each year we let the kids decorate a gingerbread house. Aubrey loves the candy.

This year Porter really got into it.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

The kids cleaning out their pumpkins. Porter liked it Aubrey didn't. She doesn't like her hands being messy.
They liked helping Nate carve the face.

Finished product. Aubrey wanted a scary pumpkin this year.

We had a Halloween party for Porter and Aubrey and their friends. Nate was a Whoopee Cushion.
Aubrey was a witch.

Porter got to pick out his own costume this year. He decided on Buzz Lightyear.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Kansas City Suprise!

We recently went to Kansas to see my brother, Joleen, and Jackson. My brother had no idea we were coming with my mom and dad, so we got to surprise him. We had alot of fun and did some really great things. We went to a park that had cows, goats, and other fun things for the kids to do. Nate is now an official farmer.
Aubrey milking the cow.

Porter milking the cow.

We bought bottles of milk and the kids were able to feed the baby goats. Porter enjoyed it, Aubrey freaked out.
Jackson feeding the goats.

Once the milk was gone Porter decided to try and ride the goats.

Jackson's 2nd Birthday party.
Jackson, Porter and Aubrey

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Did It Really Snow Already?

Believe it or not we already got our first taste of winter. Porter and Aubrey loved the snow.