Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

What a wonderful Christmas we had, the kids got so many nice gifts and they are enjoying them all. Aubrey got her very own trike and I love that it is pink and purple. She is trying to figure out how to peddle and steer at the same time. I'm sure she will get it soon, until then the walls and furniture will be her guide.

The kids love to cook and are always feeding Nate and I lots of great meals. So Santa thought it would be a good idea to get Aubrey a kitchen. Maybe that is why neither one of us can lose weight? Ha Ha

Porter also got some really cool big boy pants, they are so cool Aubrey decided to try and start a new fade. What do you think should we all start wearing our undies on the outside of our pants?

Santa was very good to both our kids. Porter got the motorbike he has been talking about for months. Now he can be just like "Monte"

We were also very glad to have cousins over on Christmas Eve. The kids had lots of fun together.
We hope you all had a very wonderful Christmas. For those of you far away we miss you all so much.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Visit from Santa first snow08

Santa came to town this morning and stoped by the church for breakfast. Porter got his big chance to tell Santa what he wanted for Christmas. "A Four wheeler?" He saw our neighbor plowing driveways with his four wheeler this morning and made a last minute change. Problem is I think Santa may have already got him a motorbike. Aubrey wanted nothing to do with Santa until she saw that he was handing out candy. Then she slowly walked up to him keeping her distance and said, "Hi Santa, Candy."

We had our first snowfall this morning and even though it was freezing out the kids were ready to go out and play in it. So Nate and I spent about 15 minutes or so getting everyone in snow gear. Aubrey was so bundled up then when she fell down she could not get back up. When we finally got out there the cold caught them by surprise Aubrey didn't last long.

Porter after one trip in to warm up decided to brave the cold once again and loved making snow angels and jumping in the drifts.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Go Griz! Gotta love the Griz. As true Missoulian should be we are big fans of the Montana Grizzlies. It has been so much fun this year going to the games. Porter went to every game and loves watching Monte and Rocky. He thinks they are so funny and rein acts the game every night before he goes to bed. Aubrey went to her first game this year. She loved it, but for different reasons then Porter. Aubrey is a junk food junkie, she loved the pizza, pop and never ending candy.

Princess Aubrey
Santa all I want for Christmas is ....."a motorcycle"

Merry Christmas