Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Springtime Snow?

The bushes have been bursting with blooms this spring.  I don't think we got any frosts this year to freeze off the blooms.  
It's the most explosive I've ever seen the lilacs and other bushes in our 7 springs here.

I don't know what this bush is called, but I love it.  Especially this year.  Some years, it hardly blooms at all.  
The kids crawled in it, and when they shook the branches, it looked like it was snowing. (I haven't uploaded those pictures yet.)

The lilacs are done now, but the honey-locust trees are just starting to bloom, and mmmm, do they smell good.  Those are my favorite kind of blooms:  lots of clusters of little blooms drooping from their branches.  Like the lilacs and this "snowy" bush.  I tried to plant a wisteria vine to grow over our deck and have more purple clustered weeping blooms, but it doesn't seem to get enough sun.
 This little pixie is going to be 3 years old this weekend!  Three???
 3 years ago today, I was bumping around the back of the van fertilizing the pasture, (but it didn't seem to help her arrive any sooner).
Life is full of unexpected surprises (like this bush) and never ending change, isn't it?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Bedtime Bear

Molly didn't get a nap yesterday.  During dinner, she said, "I want to go to nap."  We found her a little later asleep on Seth's bed--not sure why she chose to land there.  She had covered her feet in the Care Bears, and Aspen added the rest.  (Even though this is Seth's bed--for some reason, that's Aspen's blanket on it right now.)

 Molly suddenly LOVES the Care Bears, ever since reconnecting with Netflix this fall.  (We always disconnect Netflix in the spring when it's light outside until bedtime.)  Makes me secretly happy, since my Grandma sewed all of us kids a Care Bear when we were little.  Back when there were only 10 or 11 of them. (She made me Share Bear, back when Share Bear had a milkshake with 2 straws in it, rather that 2 lollipops like she does now.)

I've been thinking of Grandma Lillie a lot this week, since yesterday would've been her 86th birthday.  But she passed away last year, the day before her birthday.  Miss you Grandma!  I almost made a fruit cake for the first time, in honor of her, and to let my kids experience fruit cake.  I bought the little tub of candied fruits, but then realized the recipe takes far more unusual ingredients.  Maybe next year.  Instead, we just enjoyed a can of Pepperidge Farms Pirouette cookies, which she also liked.  I did get lucky and "inherited" (more like received after people cleaned out her house) the last home made Care Bear she had:  Grumpy Bear.  I ought to take pictures of them, hadn't I?  (She also made a BYU Bear and gave it to Coach Lavell Edwards wife about 28 yrs ago.)

The other day, Aspen invented her own "Care Bear Stare!" with the bears belted around her tummy.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

10th annual Family Backpacking Trip

Seems like most summers I never get around to blogging.  Happened again this year.  Last post was 3 months ago. Today I finally have some free time, or rather, I'm letting some other things go because I want to blog.  (The lawn is only half mowed, and the kids have been watching movies and playing nintendo too much today, beets and pickles need canning, I haven't finished preparing my talk for church tomorrow...)

Troy's 6 brothers and 3 sisters (and some of their spouses) have gone backpacking every summer for 10 years now.  2 of them have been on every single hike.  Troy has made it to 7 of them. They usually go for 3-4 days, and have been in the mountains of Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Montana, California (Yosemite), and Washington.  This week, they're in the Olympic mountains in Washington state, on a trail right by Forks, Washington (where the Twilight books and movies are based.  I'm waiting to hear of any vampire or Bigfoot sightings!  More realistically though, they might see a bear.  The ranger station required them to take bear canisters.)  

About 4 years ago, the next generation was finally old enough to accompany them.  This year they have 6 "kids" on the hike.  3 cousins, and Alana, Hanna and Seth.  It's Seth's first time.  His hips aren't hardly big enough to strap the backpack hip belt around--to help carry the weight of the pack.  I'm a little worried for Seth, b/c this time they're hiking onto different campsites each day.  Which means carrying their packs every day for several miles.  Usually, they hike in one day, make base camp, do day hikes the next day, then hike out.  I hope it's a good experience, and that he likes it despite the hard work.  I'm glad my sister in law is on this hike, to be a motherly figure for him if he needs it.  She was helpful to Alana and Hanna the first time they went.  This is Alana and Hanna's 3rd hike.

Here they are just before they left.  Troy's pack was already in the van.  He was antsy to go, and I wanted a picture first.  Thanks to Grandpa for sharing the packs for us to use!  (Hanna only had a regular school backpack her first year.  She couldn't carry much--just her clothes and sleeping bag.  But even then, her shoulders were sore at the end, without the hip belt.)
 Here we are near McDonalds in Prosser, where we met up with Troy's brothers and kids.
How many people do you think can be squished into a phone booth?
 What you can't see are the 4 people behind these guys.
 This is actually everyone who was IN there (except the tall guy on far right). EIGHT of them.
Alana, Hanna, Seth, Aspen, Uncle G, Uncle J, Cousin S and Cousin D.
On our way home, with only half my kids for the rest of the week.
Don't worry, they didn't ask to do this until we stopped and checked the mail at the end of our driveway.
These pictures are actually from a couple years ago in Montana I think.  I don't remember if I posted them already or not.  They said the water was FREEZING cold, but they just had to play in it anyway.  Hopefully I'll get some pictures of this week's hike after they return.

In 10 years, some interesting things have happened on the hikes.  Snow, horrible mosquitoes, losing a sleeping bag in a raging snow-runoff stream-turned-river, hiking all day to find out the lake they hiked to had a road they could have driven on to get there, one uncle packing up a portable DVD player so they still watched movies at night, and another uncle nearly having his foot trapped under a shifting boulder at the top of a rocky ridge.  I'm glad they're all still alive.  (I said "NO!" when they talked about climbing glaciers without training.)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Never seen before

Looking through old pictures I ran across these. It was August 2008, and Bridger was into drawing the clues from Blues Clues shows.  Can you see the bandaids, stethoscopes, and pawprint?  He was nearly 4 years old. This happened to be a Sharpie marker (permanent marker) on the hardwood dining room floor. No matter how hard we as mothers try to keep certain things out of reach of certain someones, we're not 100% successful. We found this one evening, and the kids helped me scrub it off. It took some elbow grease, that's for sure. Not an easy wipe up!  We ended up using bleach spray, and did it before Troy ever saw.  I don't think I ever did tell him. Not that I need to hide it from him though, which is why I'm putting it on here now. Ahhh, the memories.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Arrow of Light

Seth earned his Arrow of Light in Cub Scouts.  Wow--those 3 years went by FAST!  
Ironically, Seth's dad was the Cub Master for nearly all 3 years Seth was in Cubs.  That just barely changed, so the new leaders presented him with his award.  Seth waited an extra month, so his dad could at least be present--he was out of town for work at last month's meeting, and ended up having to be out of town again this time.  Grrr.  I told Seth that many dads miss seeing their boys receive their awards.  It was just disappointing for Seth (and me) because his Dad has been the one presenting all those awards for the past several years, and just when Seth earns his, he can't be there.  Oh well, it's not really that important (and I'm probably making it worse than necessary by even writing about it!)

 It's tradition in this pack to shoot an arrow with a light stick attached, for their award.  I was helping with the transition of leaders, and somehow the light sticks got lost, even though I thought I had them for sure in my van!  Ugh.  It was light outside though, so the light stick wouldn't have really shown up much anyway, but I felt like a loser mom/leader for having it for all the other boys, but not my own son.  The new leader held the meeting at his house though, which was a beautiful setting, and helpfully memorable for Seth.  He "crossed over" (walked over the bridge) from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts at last month's meeting (but since Dad missed that one too, I didn't take the camera and get a picture of his crossing over.  And I haven't sewn his Webelos patch on yet either.)

 These pictures are from Seth's last Pinewood Derby back in April.  Seth often earned the award for having the most natural looking car.His first 2 years, he came in 4th place.  This year he didn't do as good, but he made his car by himself and still had fun.  Seems like the boys mostly like racing each other for fun anyway, after the "official" race is done.
 On to Boy Scouts!  Seth's Grandpa has scouting in his Blood, and received a Silver Beaver award.  His dream job would be to run a Scout Camp full time.  Too bad we live 13 hrs away, but I still think Seth's bound to have a special time in Scouts with his grandpa's love and support for it.  Grandpa already has Seth well started on collector patches and got him a nice 100-year scouting anniversary ballcap for his birthday.  Hope we don't lose that one!

Twas the Night Before Easter

Did you know there's a new Veggie Tale called "Twas the Night Before Easter"?  Bridger loves singing a song from it over and over.  I have to admit, it's pretty funny.

Onto the main point.  Typical Night Before Easter Stuff in our home.  I wish I could've sewn matching dresses for all the girls, but alas, it was not realistic.  It was still fun getting matching dresses for the 2 little girls though.  They look like Easter Eggs.  Aspen picked the striped multicolored ones.  I picked the yellow and pink dresses with embroidered flowers. They were itchy though, and Aspen liked the other ones better.  We tried them both on to decide which to keep, and I had fun taking pictures of them twirling and having fun.  I still haven't read my users manual on my camera, so even though I experiment with different settings and lighting, these are not that great.  Still fun for me though.  (There was a time many years ago when my good camera broke, and Troy was in graduate school, and all we could afford was a $20 camera.  Even though it took blurry pictures, the memories were still better than none at all, so it helped me be happy with even blurry pictures.) Yes, there are lots of pictures on here, so if you want to skip to the egg coloring, scroll down.

 Molly mostly liked peeling and eating the eggs.

These 2 eggs are some of Seth's.
The golden touch!  
Hanna left the golden (and blue) color on her hands for church the next day.
Alana colored the tie-died ones with Aspen.
Here are Aspen's favorites.  (Unfortunately, they don't show up well here.)