Friday, May 17, 2013

Knock On Wood . . . or So Far So Good!

This year we're determined to have a productive vegetable garden. Last year we couldn't keep up with the damage the "critters" caused . . . like gobble up each seedling as it made an appearance, or so it seemed. 

Things we've done different: built a fence around the perimeter of the garden area with small-size chicken wire buried a foot deep and extended up two feet and normal chicken wire going up to five foot level. The poles are six feet tall so if we need to we can install an electric fence to keep any mischievous deer at bay.

Ken caught a ground squirrel which must have squeezed under the gate and started nibbling on a couple of the cucumbers. So he figured out a way to stop that from happening again.

Ken showing me the first of, hopefully, many many tomatoes.

The screen "tent" will allow the zucchini plants to get established.

We've learned that birds LOVE sprouting corn, so now we have to cover the areas where new corn has been planted so that they can grow tall enough to be not so inviting.
First radish harvest.

Life is good!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mission accomplished . . .

We enjoyed a Mother's Day barbecue up at Simply Country Farm. When we walked into the back yard there was a brand new barbecue that was a birthday gift given to my son-in-law a couple weeks ago, however he hadn't had the time to put it together. He and Christian were busy sorting out parts, going over instructions, and double checking each other's work. About half way through, 12-year-old Christian took over and completed the job . . .

I watched him read and study the instructions . . .

Find the part needed for each step . . .

Double check instructions . . .

Carefully attach each nut and bolt and washer . . .

Until the job was done. He was quite proud of himself, and I was too!

Soon his dad took over for he's the barbecue king in the family.

Christian was the first to sit down at the table . . . delicious barbecued chicken was enjoyed by all of us. Happy Mother's Day indeed!

 Life is good!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mothers Day . . .

I'm missing my Mama — I think of her everyday, but today especially.

Life is good!

Friday, May 03, 2013

What happened to April?

It's almost as if our calendar missed a page . . . April just disappeared. But we sure had fun being part of the successful production of "Harvey." In fact it was so much fun that Ken volunteered to be Captain Bermuda in the summer melodrama at the Golden Chain Theatre. I think he's been bitten by the theatrical bug big time. Jen and Karah will be joining him again which will probably be the last time the three of them will perform together for Karah will be off to college in the fall.

While we were busy with rehearsals four days a week for five weeks, my patio garden has been having a grand time.

A beautiful spot to enjoy my morning cup or two of coffee!

The mint in the pot to the right of the yellow pot loved a dose of Miracle Grow.

This dianthus is outgrowing its pot . . .

Among the flowers are herbs: chives, parsley, thyme, sage, and mint.

Life is good!