Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Three reasons to celebrate!

[I'm creating this post using the "New Google" way—somehow I felt forced to switch this time because I couldn't figure out how not to . . . sure hope it works!]

We've been vacationing at J and R's in Healdsburg to celebrate St. Patrick's Day and our birthdays for the last five days. And what a great time we had. It was so good to get away from the busy-ness of Park Sierra.

Our corned beef and cabbage dinner was a smashing success. As were our birthday parties! Here are some pictures to prove it.

March 17 - St. Patrick's Day

J and R enjoying their beverage of choice!

The Wearin' O' the Green trio—even the Martini's were garnished in green.

The cooks put their feet up after a full afternoon of Irish cooking.

We cheated on the soda bread, sorry Dodie!

March 18 and 19
K's big "6-5" (looking good!)
and J's always one year younger!

March 20 -
"Spring is busting out all over"

First leaf on the Kiwi vines

First blossoms on the pear trees.

And here's J trying desperately to learn how to make a scrubby! After a few choice words and about thirty minutes she sent it all back with me to finish! But she did give it a college try!

Ahhh, life is good!
. . . especially while spending time with family