Sunday, February 20, 2011

Warming up to February

February has been very busy so far, and there's still 8 days left.  What will happen next?

We went to the Imagination Station here in Toledo for a UT Alumni night and had a blast.  
This was the first time we got to use their sportscasting "station".  It was pretty cool and the kids were pretty much mesmerized by seeing themselves on TV.

The next weekend was Eric's birthday and we headed down to Granville, OH to spend the weekend with his sister and her family.

It was Zach's idea that "Daddy wants a Star Wars cake". :)  But no one sells those, so cousin Parker loaned some action figures to deck-out his cake. 
Happy Birthday Eric!  You are amazing!

Uncle Tim and cousin Lauren got a hold of our camera. Love it!
Valentine's Day we dropped off the kids at free babysitting at the Y (yay) and went out for a, surprisingly yummy, chinese food.

Avery turned 3 yesterday and we had a family party here.  I can't believe, hardly, that she is 3!  Avery is doing so well.  Some areas better than others, but she is acting like a normal (crazy, non-stop-leaves-a-path-of-disaster) now 3 year old. :)  Eating and talking are coming along and will get there eventually.
We love Avery and all the joy she brings to our family!

My birthday is today and I'm just glad to be at the end of birthday week at this household. :)  I feel so blessed and through it all I am happy for what I have and what lies ahead.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Thank you!

Today's a snow day, but the main roads are cleared, which means we were able to do fun stuff today, away from home.  I love not having a schedule sometimes, just "being" and taking life as it comes.  On the other hand, laundry would pile up, sticky floor spots would remain, and I'd eat more than I should (not that I don't do that anyway). A day like today is great to enjoy the family, bake a little, and ponder goals.

My "to do" list until further notice:
1. Do my version of "Food Nanny" and make a weekly schedule of meals, and avoiding altogether the last minute dinner dilemma.
2. Smart spending for everything.  It all adds up, even the little things.
3. De-junk as I go.  When I come across something in need of being less, lessen it.
4. Take more deep breaths daily.  Ponder the big picture in the moment where I most need it. :)
5. More importantly of late, to listen and wait more, and steam-roll ahead less.
6. Be in the moment.

You get the gist, love everything a little more.

My brother's wife, affectionately referred to as, J-dawg, has planned for the month of February, a service boot camp focusing on saying/writing thank you's!  Taking the time to write someone a note, letting them know you appreciate them, something they've done, or just saying hey.  She will also have some give-aways for those who enter and participate.  Something to do for February.

One highlight in our family is that my parents received their mission call to serve in Atlanta, GA!  They're going to start the 21st of this month.  They've talked about this for a looooong time and I know this will be the best, hardest thing they've done, next to raising 7 kids.  So if you're living in northern Georgia and see a great looking missionary couple, please stop and say hello!

Avery is doing well.  She is dangerously close to being a terrible-two, and she's almost 3.  We cut back on the food she's getting overnight, and so she's stopped (knock on wood) spitting up AND she's eating more!!  Woot, woot!  She's getting there and we've never been more optimistic about this. :)
Avery will be starting special preschool later this month.  This will give her the extra boost to catch up to her peers, that's the plan anyway.  She will also love the social aspect, even if I'll miss her for the little bit she'll be away.
 aw, boys