Thursday, December 22, 2011

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

I love all the fun things to do at Christmas time, which starts mid-day Thanksgiving. 
I have made a real effort to get organized and get things done early so I could enjoy the holidays, stress free.  It's worked pretty well, except for one day, just ask Eric.  
Here are some things we've done thus far.  

Our stake's nativity festival has a wonderful kids room.  Zach was into it, but Avery ran away.  He looks cute!
At our ward's Christmas party, the primary kids put on a wonderful nativity, all done to a song.  It was beautiful.  This was right before they went on, and Zach is a little too far to the left.  I didn't even get my own son in the picture, what is wrong with me?  He was a shepherd.
The Lights at the Toledo Zoo!  A tradition for us.  We went on a Monday night and it was tons less crowded than last year.  The lights are so pretty and we did see a few animals.  Avery had a fun time, even though she doesn't look it in this picture.

The best animal display that evening was a lion roaring.  It sounded different than I expected, but cool nonetheless.
These ducks came walking right in front of us.  Zach's way to call to them was, "Hey you, ducks! Come here!".  They didn't come though.

Zachery spied a gingerbread man at Panera and has been talking about it since.  So today we went to get some.  Avery kept eating the m&m buttons while I was taking pictures.
Then she danced afterward! (I did her hair in a french braid for the first time.  It doesn't really stay put, but I thought all the time I practiced on my sister's hair, while we were on road trips, really paid off.  Thanks, Nickell)

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Who's the star?

I found 14 pictures like this one.  Each one showing a different scene.  :) 14
Zachery turned 7 this week!  That seems so unreal, but here we are.  Zach is continuously surprising me with new things he has learned.  He loves legos, Star Wars, Mario, school (thanks to a great teacher) and having fun with friends.  My favorite thing he's learned to do this year is to read.  I love that he, sometimes, will open the hymnbook and sing along at church, but I'm proud that he set a goal to read the Book of Mormon before he's baptized next year.
Zach and pals did some Jedi training at his party (thanks to lots of help from Dad)
Love you Zach!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Vida Bella

Tonight as I got the kids ready for bed, they were arguing over what belonged to whom and the other was not to touch it.  It all changed the second I suggested Avery sleep in Zach's room.  She ran to get her blanket and bear and Zach followed to help.  I tucked them in and it was all smiles and love.  I can hear them laugh and life is good..

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Are you in?

 Today we talked about pioneers, modern ones as well.  It made me think about those of my ancestors had that burning testimony that changed their lives and brought them out West.  Bravery, fortitude, and strength brought these people to ultimately affect my life.

My great great great grandfather, lived in Denmark and after hearing about the gospel of Jesus Christ, left his home and made his way out west to join the other members of the church.   I don't know all the details of how he left, but I will. 
My religious pioneering ancestors choices, and their kids choices, and so on, have effected my life, and I'm so thankful! I want to find out each of their stories, not just their names and important dates.  That's where keeping a personal journal comes in handy.  I hope it's out there, I know some are.  These people are important to me and someday I want to thank them for not being afraid, but for going forth with courage.

The teacher today said the phrase, "Are we in, or are we out?", as in we all, like the pioneers, have a point or many times in our lives where it comes to us.  Are we in or are we out.  It all got me thinking and I think it's all worth it!  I want to be in.

  *Some pictures of some of our summer fun.  And it's not over.  We've had and will have cousins stay with us!  We love our cousins.

 Avery insists on putting the helmet on backwards, at least her head is safe.
 Watching the fish at the botanical gardens
 Family get together by the Maumee river.
  Avery, James, Trevin, Zachery and Alexis
 The boys kept a close eye on the dessert table.  James, Zach and Trevin
 Zach and Avery :)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Jelly Belly

Avery has thoroughly enjoyed her first preschool experience this spring.
Here she is at the end of the year program.  The teacher made "diplomas" and cool "caps" for the kids, and she felt honored. :)  It was cute to watch.
Topped it off with treats, oreos first, of course.

Eric was in need of a different car, one with a/c anyway.  After some deliberation, nothing exciting to note, he found this VAN north of Chicago. We all went out to get it and now we own a VAN.  It's weird really. I don't love it, but I like it.  I did want more room, so... I got it.  Eric gets the fun sporty car that I'm missing right now.  I can't whip around town in this. :)  I do love the room.
We went to the Jelly Belly factory right after we bought the van.
I do love a good tour.
They had a bunch of artwork, all done in Jelly Belly beans, of course.
I saw an episode of "How it's Made" on making these and I've wanted to go to this factory ever since.
I'm such a lucky girl. ;)
Are there any other factories nearby?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Field Day at Beverly

Or should we say, outdoor fun games day!  Regardless, it was so much fun watching Zachery and cheering his team on.  Kindergartners are fun.  
Zach didn't quite get hula hooping.
They had to unwrap a candy and eat it here.

Avery loved field day too and kept trying to get involved.  As you see here, she's in line at the end.
A cute (blurry) hug of Zach and Avery afterwards in Zach's classroom.  Aww.
Zach's Kindergarten class. His teacher, Mrs. Kristie had a lot on her hands, but the kids love her.  One girl was sobbing on the last day of school, she didn't want to say goodbye to Mrs. Kristie. 

Onto 1st grade!  Summer first, wahoo!

The Rest of L.N.O.

Here are the rest of the pictures I took from Ladies Night Out last week or so ago.  I didn't get a picture of one or two, but we'll do this again, with different folks.  Time changes again for Toledo 1st ward.
Always a good time!

Jessica Hanson and Jenni Toller
Maria Carter, Julie Sacks, Renae Marks
Kari Warden, Dannielle Cornia, Cynthia Erickson
I ordered chocolate fondue, and Danielle used her straw to finish off the rest.  Yum-o!
Ashley Dorius, Beth Stewart, Joy Oliveros
Jeannette Monson, Liora Phillips, Ashley Dorius
Jill Lau, Leisy Miller, Lyndsay Peterson
Leisy was checking the location of our waiter, I think :).
Ellen Justus, (missing Jill VanWormer), Renae

*Interesting thing we saw at the restaurant that night.  A tall, lean, over-made up "lady" went into the men's and with him, came out another person in drag.  Quite the site.