Monday, November 22, 2010

Simple Saturdays, Hair Bows and Getaways!

A couple Saturdays ago I had a bunch of errands to do, and surprisingly my kids were so well behaved!  Our last one was making a return and afterwards, Avery begged to come and see the fish, so we did.  The weather was perfect, this is the fall I love!
Before the fish were giant cats and dogs which they can't resist.
When you're in Kindergarden and you see something that looks like the bars at school, you must slide down them.
Feeding the fish
A fierce hug from Zach :)

On a different note, I just finished making this hair clip/bow holder and I think I love it.  A friend made one and I loved the idea, thanks Jill!

On another completely unrelated topic, this little girl is going away on a girl's weekend!!  Yes, I am feeling so loved and blessed.  All my good friends from high school are getting together in December and I didn't think I could go, but I couldn't be more happy that I can go!  Some of these girls I have known since I was 9 and they're all terrific women.  I'm feeling lucky.
So, if you see my kids hair looking off that Sunday, just know, I wasn't there to do it! ;)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Fa La La La La, La La La La

Even though we have another month of fall, I feel like winter is already here.  Here are some fall photos:

We were baking one day and we all donned aprons.  Avery got her set from an awesome nurse she had in the PCTU at U.of M. 

Zach was so excited to make gingerbread men (even if it was just sugar cookie dough).
We had a fun day kicking around in the leaves with the wind blowing.  This is a slice of life right here.  Just being, no stresses attached. :)
I just realized I let Zach wear his costume to the park.  It was the day of his class party.  
Anyhoo, he had a blast running around the Botanical Garden.  This reminds me of "Where The Wild Things Are".  I love this little guy!

These giggling girls, how could you resist?!
Family no-trick-just-treating

I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week!!  then 4th gear onto Christmas. :0

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Barnum and Bailey

Our computer is back.  Here are some highlights from this fall.

Ringling Brothers Circus came to town and we took Zach.  It was fun to be out together.

 Zach has had a great year so far, and he is growing up in many ways. He sprouted up some and is becoming a good little helper to me.  He looks like my youngest brother, Gary, in this picture.  I still sometimes call Zach, Gary and  vice versa. 
The elephants were neat to watch.  I kept thinking of Dumbo.
The tigers were fascinating, but I felt bad for them.  This is no life for them. :(
Zach sure loves his dad.
I'm pretty impressed with the tight rope acrobat-folks.  It would be fun, for a summer, maybe.

Summer family reunion by the Maumee river.  In the swing is Eric's grandma and great uncle.  They have lived here (mostly) their whole lives and who know how many times they have sat like this together.  I hope Zach and Avery will be close their whole lives too.
Avery is a dog lover!  No, we won't be getting any pets, but let me know if she can come and visit your dog. :)
My parents came out for a brief visit in October.  Aren't they cute?  It's a huge bummer that we live so far apart, but it makes their visits all the more special.  My parents are getting their papers together to serve as missionaries for the church.  Who knows, maybe they'll be coming to your neck of the woods. :)