Monday, March 30, 2009

Fuzzy Memories

March of the Penguins is on and I'm fascinated, I can't stop watching.

I came across a book from college. Not a textbook, but I did read it. It's "Fuzzy Memories" by Jack Handey. Here is one fuzzy memory, "Sometimes it's hard to tell if something is actually a memory, or you just dreamed it. So I asked my boss if I called him a lying, stinking thief, or I just dreamed it, and he said I just dreamed it. Whew, that was close."

Awhile back I mentioned that I would write a little everyday, well that isn't happening. Truth be told, somedays it just isn't exciting or even a little interesting, or sadly, I just don't notice (or too tired). Then I read my sister in law's blog, Somer, who always writes these thoughtful posts that show glimpses into her beautiful heart. Or, Jocelyn's blog, "We Talk of Christ" and everyday life. Then there's me :).

One of our cars is temporarily out of commission, still. It's not a big deal (and I'm thankful we even have a second car), but there are times we, meaning Zach, needs to get out. On the bright side, I'm getting more done at home than normal.

Avery and Zach are sick. They seem to have what I had 3 weeks ago. I remember when I got sick I prayed that the kids wouldn't get it, and they didn't. Now they're sick and I'm not, and I'm happy that's how it is (if it has to be). Sunday night Avery was really congested and her nose didn't seem to stop running. I checked on her and she looked blue, so then I checked her blood oxygen level/pulse ox, and it was 65! Her cardiologist didn't want me to get a pulse ox machine so I wouldn't get worried , but I am glad we have it. Anyway, I was nervous and checked again later and her number went up. I told Eric that if it was still low in the morning I was taking her into be checked and I'd need the car. Thankfully, I didn't need to take her in and she was smiley and chatty in the morning, and pink. I do want some oxygen though, just for times like the previous night.

We are very grateful that Avery is doing well, overall. I can forget about any troubles she used to have. If I HAD to pick something to have go wrong for my child, I would be fine choosing this. After her repair surgeries, she should be fine. Voila, it's done. There are a lot of more difficult situations out there and so I'm glad for Avery, and Zachery and all the gray hairs they give me. :)

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Lately I have been so tired. Zachery is full-out full of energy and somedays it's doing me in. :) Tonight was no exception, but after I said good-night and put him in bed, he called for me (and called and called til I opened his door :) and he held out his arms and gave me a big hug and said he loved me. Aww. :) And that's how we make it another day. ;)

Zachery really wanted to color easter eggs today. So after dinner, we did. I left for not even two minutes and came back and he'd drunk all the blue dye! Yuck, right. He said, "Mmmm, that was good."

Friday, March 20, 2009


Avery has been doing really well in physical therapy and I'm thinking we'll be done with it soon! She crawls around like a banshee and is climbing stairs (but that was an accident, I left the gate open). Although Avery is still using her g-tube to eat, she loves to put food in her mouth and though some of it comes back out, I figure some must be going down too. Overall she is doing great!

Here is lil' Ave running and bouncing in her round-about walker.

I love this one! and her 80's rock star hair :)

Zachery is a typical 4-year old (whatever that means, crazy?). He isn't keen on sharing his toys with Avery, but he makes us laugh by the things he says.

On a different note, I've heard a lot of women this week, myself included, talk about needing a break. A little break from the everyday-every-single-day stuff. We all do sometimes. Hang in there, tiger. The pioneers did it day after day, well so can I.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Can't We All Just Get Along?

One of my best and most dear friends from childhood, Aryn, read a statistic during highschool about friends. The stat said that people are most likely to fight or argue on Wednesdays. She brought up and we implemented Wednesdays as "Share Day" where we'd each take turns sharing something with our group (about 8 of us) to help ensure we wouldn't fight, but be better friends. That sounds pretty noble, but really it was a reason to bring treats or little trinkets to share with our group-o-friends. Somewhere in my parent's basement is a small box of "share day" do-dads. There are yo-yo's, cheap necklaces, the chocolate was eaten quickly of course, mood rings and other stuff. It was fun and a little exciting to see what thing we'd get on Wednesdays at school.

Friends are worth keeping! I am happy to say I have great friends from childhood, all the way to now, and I love meeting new people. My mom is notorious for talking to strangers, it used to embarrass me as a teenager to be with my mom and have her strike up a conversation with the cashier or whomever was next in line. Now I think that's great and we'd all get along better if we reached out more to one another and say hi!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Carroll Hall

On Tuesday, a good friend, Tanya Dunn, from Colorado and BYU, came down so we could visit and let our little guys play, despite the rain. It is always fun to talk to Tanya, talk about life now and reminisce about the crazy college days.

During my freshman year at the Y, my roommates and I lived on the third floor of our building. One day we got it into our heads that tying sheets together and climbing down out of our kitchen window would be great fun. So, I got a little ways down, but sort of got stuck by our neighbors window just below us. Tanya went to the rescue to get the neighbors to let me in their kitchen window. By then I'd managed to get back into our window, but not before leaving a great impression on our neighbors below. :) Tanya ran into one of these neighbors a little while back and what do you think she remembered most about us? "Oh, you were the ones who tried to climb out your window." Great. Well, we had fun.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I haven't posted lately, because there is nothing out of the ordinary to post about. I woke up today with a head cold, yuck. I mangaged to avoid a nasty stomach bug my kids had a couple weeks ago, but I guess you can't win them all. We are human.

Speaking of human, or not being, I just finished reading "The Host" by stephenie meyer, and enjoyed it. Some sci-fi, and the first couple of chapters you have to decipher who is speaking, but the rest was interesting!

We have been de-cluttering a bit around here, and have collected quite a pile-o-junk to pawn off elsewhere. I must say, it feels good. Our little home has only so much room and when Avery outgrows some baby gear, we'll have to stash it somewhere.

Last night, in the middle of it, Zachery woke up yelling. I went in to see what the din was about and he sat up and demanded we go to grandma's house NOW. Right now, to be exact. :) What would happen if we actually got what we wanted, exactly when we wanted it?

My head hurts and it must be time for another dose-o-medicine.