Sunday, December 16, 2007

Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays from the Marks in Toledo, Ohio! We hope you are all happy, healthy and making time to enjoy this special season. This holiday we would like to share some things we are grateful for.

C is for the children in our lives. Zachery just turned 3 and is growing up in many ways. We’re expecting a girl this February to add to our family. We’re grateful for a family that can be together forever.

H is for the home we hope to have next year. We are looking for one that fits us and are excited to be out of the apartment. We are grateful for a safe place to live.

R is for Renae and all she does to make our house a home; caring for and nurturing Zachery. We are grateful for Renae (and mothers everywhere).

I is for the ice cream we love to eat. Eric loves mint chocolate chip and chocolate chip cookie dough for Renae. Zachery loves any kind. We are grateful for life’s little pleasures.

S is for our Savior who gave us a perfect example of how to be, He gave His life that we might repent and live with Him again someday. We are grateful for His sacrifice and love.

T is for the trips we made this year. Renae and Zach went with Grandma and Grandpa Christensen to Pennsylvania for a graduation and then to Hershey and Gettysburg. Renae and Zach also went to Washington D.C. for a fun visit with September Keyes and family. We are grateful we could all spend Thanksgiving with Renae’s brothers’ family in Lewisburg, PA.

M is for money that Eric is working so hard to make. Eric is a great father, husband, and provider for us all. We are grateful for all his work provides.

A is for our unborn daughter, Avery and all the prayers that have been offered on her behalf. She has a heart defect and there will be many challenges to overcome. We’re grateful for Avery and anxiously await her arrival.

S is for this season of the year, because it makes us stop and reflect on all the blessings we have received. Have a joyous 2008!

Eric, Renae, & Zachery

Sunday, November 4, 2007

I am Thankful for...

so many things! I was thinking about this today and I have a great family. My husband is thoughtful and hard working. We have a wonderful son that keeps us on our toes and a girl coming next year. But we are both thankful for goodly parents and kind family members.

Our little girl has a heart condition called truncus arteriosus and she'll need surgery just as soon as she is stable. We're still finding out more from doctors, but we feel like everything will be okay.

Truncus arteriosus is when there is no pulmonary artery on the heart, just a large aorta and she has a hole between her heart ventricles. I am so grateful that we were able to find out about this before she was born so we can prepare, both mentally and physically. Nonetheless, I am sooo excited to have a little girl and get my hands on cute girly clothes. :)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Welcome to Blog World

Yooo hallooo! I have finally started this after talking about it for a long-o time.

We are in Toledo and loving the fall colors and sweater weather. Eric is in the middle of day 2 of his first real trial today! It is exciting and nerve-racking. I'm sure it'll go well.

Once I get photos figured out, I'll post some.

Only 21 days til Thanksgiving!