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Friday, December 10, 2010

7 Months!

Another month has come and gone and our baby is another month older and getting cuter and cuter by the day! I have really enjoyed seeing her learn and grow each and every day!

At Seven months she:

Has yet another tooth (total of 3 now with another not far behind I'm sure!)

Can crawl!

Can pull herself up to a sitting position from her hands and knees or when laying down on her back for that matter (this makes diaper changing fun!)

Can pull herself up to stand at the side of the crib

Loves to say mama

Loves to feed herself little things like bits of bread, gerber puffs, yogurt melts, eggs, etc. (She's not much of a fan of baby food. She likes to do it herself.)

Cruises around in the walker like she's a pro (watch your toes!)

Has started to be a little bit of a pill to put down for naps or at night. But still sleeps great once she's down.

Still happy as ever (which doesn't help us to know when she might not be feeling 100%)

Absolutely LOVES adores her sisters and the attention that they give her.

Family Pictures 2010

Last month we had a friend of mine from growing up take our Family Pictures. I love how they turned out (aside from a few minor details like gum and one child liked to stick her tongue out between where her missing teeth are :))! With so many to choose from here are just few of our favorites!

Thanks again Wendi!