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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Goodbye "Green Monster"

So if you remember this post I mentioned the dark green wall in my living room that my husband refers to as the "green monster". Well in December I finally got the "ok" from Josh to paint it. In his words he said "Ok, it is still to much green in this room so you can paint it." So after the Christmas decor came down I found a color that we both liked and painted the wall!!

Before (don't mind the mess!)


We decided that since Josh had New Years Day off this year that we wanted to do something fun with the girls. So we took them sledding. They had so much fun!
making a snow angel!

Christmas.......A LOT late.

Ok I know Christmas was almost a month ago. I'm just a slacker. Combine that with some computer stuff and you have the reason I haven't blogged much. :) However, better late than never right?
We had a pretty good Christmas. Josh was scheduled to work that day :( so he was gone by 6:30 AM and we made the decision that we would celebrate our family Christmas the day after. We told the girls that we had talked to Santa and he agreed to come the following night because Daddy had to work.
So Christmas morning we got up and went to Karna's house to have breakfast with her and the boys! I'm so glad she invited us to go because we probably would have just had cereal. It's so much more fun to have it with family! The girls got to open their gifts from Auntie K and the boys, and they had a lot of fun playing with Nic and Trev. After breakfast we all got ready and headed out to Grandma Z's house. We spent a little time there before heading up to Grandpa and Grandma Coleman's where they got to open a few more gifts and play with Grandma (their favorite thing). After sitting and visiting with everyone there for a while we went back to Grandpa and Grandma Z's and helped get dinner ready and ate. While we were there we also got to see and spend time with the rest of the family (my favorite part). At about 7 we loaded up into the van and drove out to Josh's mom's house (Grandma MeeMee) to meet Josh. There the girls got to open a couple more gifts and spend time with their Grandma and a few cousins and then we left to go home so Santa could come to our house.
The next morning was so much fun! The girls were so excited! We went with the 4 gift ideas that we did last year and it helped to keep each present more meaningful. The Categories are: a want (usually from Santa); a need; a spiritual gift; and an educational gift. Then we go with a couple of family gifts from Santa.
After opening gifts we ate breakfast together and just stayed home and played with each other and the new toys all day. It was nice. That evening I cooked a ham and we had a nice little dinner here at home. And though I'd rather have Josh home on the actual holiday it wasn't too bad celebrating a day later.

Coming down the stairs

Movies from Santa. Hannah's pretty excited about Bolt!

Spiritual Gift: picture books for their church bags

Educational gift: Dry Erase workbooks

Gift from each other: Slippers!!!