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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Harry Potter

Well the long wait is over. I must say that I was very satisfied with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I must say I was a little nervous about it. I ordered a copy for my mom and I on (apparently along with 2 million others). I was so proud. We were going to get our books delivered right to our doorstep. I had them shipped to my mom's house since we usually have a read-a-thon when the books come out, and thought that the kids could play while we read. So I very quickly got ready to go and we left Lehi for Bountiful around 9 am and waited. Then waited some more. Little did I realize that it would be coming via US Postal Service, not UPS which my amazon account stated. So since my mothers mail didn't come until 4 pm. That's how long I waited. I was a little upset. Had I known this I would have had it delivered to my house since my mail comes at 10 am. Well by the time we recieved it I had to pack the girls up and head for home. I didn't even get to start reading my book until after Josh left for work at 6:15 pm. With a few breaks to get the girls ready for and in bed. I read until 1:30 or 2 am. Then I just had to put the book down if I was to get any sleep at all. Sunday morning after showering and feeding the girls breakfast I picked up the book again and continued my reading. Josh had woke up to tell me that he wasn't feeling well so church was out of the question for him. So I continued reading and finally finished it at about 4:15 pm.
So as not to spoil the book for those who have not read it I will not go into too much depth. I think that it was the perfect end to the series. Surprisingly enough I was ok with the characters that died. I think I had prepared myself for anything to happen. So I think that only one or two of them even affected me much. I knew the moment I read it which part or chapter of the book was so hard for JK Rowling to write. I cried myself. I'm retarded like that and I get too involved in books that I'm reading. I must confess I am a little sad that the series is over, only movies to look forward to now. At some point I will go back and re-read all the books one right after the other, but I think for now I need to move on to other books. If anyone has any suggestions let me know.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Abi's New Favorite Movie

Well I hope this worked. Abi's new favorite movie is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The one with Johnny Depp. And she knows the words throughout the movie too. But what's even better is to see her dance to the Oompa Loompa Songs. This one is the one for Augustus Gloop.

A Little Behind the Times

Well we are a little behind but we finally purchased our first barbeque grill last week. It was a great learning experience. Upon purchase we were offered a previously assembled one but decided to get one in a box. Little did we know how much work needed to be put into it. We were up until 11 pm putting it together on Saturday night.

Then today we had our first family bbq! It was fun. With the exeption that Josh was rushing around trying to cook dinner and get ready to go to work. Next time we'll have to start earlier.

Friday, July 6, 2007

4th of July!

We didn't really get out to do much on the 4th. Josh worked all day, while the girls and I just played and hung out at home. We had planned to go over to Thanksgiving Point for Fireworks and such when he got home at around 7:30. I made sure that the girls took an extra long nap since I knew they would be up late. And then I dressed them in their jammies before we left. We decided that it would be better to walk since there aren't many roads that lead to Thanksgiving Point and figured that if we drove we would definitely get stuck in major traffic coming home. So we loaded up the stroller and set off on our approximate 2 mile walk. Upon our arrival we found a nice shady place on the grass and set up our things. We then decided that hamburgers and hot dogs sounded good for dinner so we went to the stand not too far from us. For the next couple of hours we ate, and played while waiting for the fireworks to begin. And quickly realized that we should have brought more things to keep the girls busy. But it was a fun time outside. When the fireworks began the girls became entranced by them. At least for the first few minutes. After a while they went back to playing with their glow necklaces and eating the candy and other treats which were brought by Josh's sister. They did enjoy the fireworks though. All in all it was a pretty good show. After the show we began our walk home. And boy were we glad that we walked! Traffic was horrible! But we just whizzed by everyone in their cars. By the time we got home it was about 11:30 and we were expecting to sit out a little longer while some neighbors did some of their fireworks. But luckily it turned out that didn't happen. Needless to say, the girls were up until about midnight or a little later. However considering the time of night they were pretty well behaved. We had a really great time! Here are a few pictures.
The girls loved the kettle corn daddy bought!

We want fireworks!


Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy Birthday Abi!

One year older and wiser too. Well she is pretty smart! And pretty darn cute too! Yes that's our Abigail! She turned 3 this month. I can't believe how fast 3 years fly by. But they are definitely 3 years that I would not trade for the world! We can't even imagine life without our amazing little girl!
We had a little birthday party for her with some friends and family and she had a blast. She didn't even want to put away the toys and clothes that she got. Of course we held a few presents back since her party was not on her actual birthday. She got a few dress up clothes, a Mrs. Potato Head (so she can play with her friend Kennedy). And a lot of other toys, a mini trampoline and a play kitchen set. She didn't even want to take off the dress that we let her try on before bed.

Needless to say it was a very fun weekend for her. She got to see her friends and family and spend time with her cousins that were staying with us from St. George. It was a lot of fun!

Happy Father's Day!

Father's Day at our house was very eventful. Josh and I were asked to speak in church that day and we were given a very fitting topic. Fathers. You would think that it would be an easy topic to speak on but I spent the entire week wracking my brain trying to figure out just what I wanted to say. I even called my siblings and my mother to ask what kinds of things they would say. Well I don't usually let family members know when I am speaking in church it just makes me more nervous if they show up. Well Saturday night came along and we stayed up until about 3 or so finishing or so we thought our talks. So because it was Father's Day when the girls woke up I took them downstairs for a little while to play while Josh slept a little longer. When I finally woke him we decided that we would give him his gifts later that day so we could just get ready for church. Well Abi was a little too excited to contain herself and blurted out "Daddy, Daddy, We got you Jerky!" So I thought to myself. Ok that was just a small part of the present so I gave it too him and decided to do the rest later. But that was not Abi's plan. She again excitedly exclaimed "Daddy, Daddy, we got you tools!!!" So much for saving things for later. Next year I will have to go shopping without her. She's just too cute!
Well we got up and finished getting ready for church. After making last minute changes on our talks we left making sure we were a few minutes early so that we could sit on the front row so we could tag team and not have our kids running around on the stand. Well after two youth speakers it was my turn to get up. I got up and Explained briefly why we were sitting on the front row, then started into my talk. I got as far as My name is Shanna Coleman and looked up saw that my parents were there and burst into tears. And I cried through my entire talk. Yep that's me I'm a bawl baby. Josh on the other hand, got up and gave a very nice talk. After Church we went to Josh's dad's house for dinner. We spent some time with his family and then stopped by to see my dad again. It turned out to be a very nice day. After the talks that is.