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Friday, May 25, 2007

Mother's Day

Well Mother's day was a pretty good day for me. Two days prior Josh had returned home from his three weeks in Texas. That was such a great day! His flight arrived at 9 pm so we spent the day with my mother and then went to pick up some balloons and meet him at the airport. We were very excited to say the least. As soon as I get to see some pictures from his trip I will post some I heard he saw some very interesting things. He got to go to a Houston Astros game and the Houston Space Center. A couple of museums and a bridge where bats fly off at sunset. It sounded like fun.
The day after he got home he took the girls and went out to get a few things for Mother's Day. Well I needed to get a few things from the grocery store so I went and got in the truck and left. Much to my dismay the instant I pulled out of the parking lot and onto the street the truck died! And would not start. I ended up having to call Josh home and he and a neighbor had to push it back up to our house. The last thing we needed was to have more work to do on that truck. Well it turned out that the fuel pump needed to be replaced! So we called to have the part ordered and Josh would just do it himself. Luckily it's so old that it was before they started putting them in the fuel tank so it did not cost us an arm and a leg.
On Mother's day we spent the morning together and then after church we went to visit Josh's mom and then his brother's wife had their baby the day before so we stopped in at the hospital to see them. And since the girls love babies they were pretty excited to go and see their new cousin. After the hospital we went to visit my mom for a little while and when it got late we left to go home.
The week that followed was pretty good. Not too eventful. Then on Saturday Abi got a fever. We had no idea where it came from. She said her throat hurt but had no other symptoms so we thought we would ride it out. Well it lasted through Sunday as well and then on Monday we had promised Josh's mom that we would help her move. So we drove up to Ogden and during the process of moving stuff Josh's aunt stated that it sounded a bit like Abi had Roseola, which we didn't think much of. We decided that since her fever had lasted a few days to take her to the doctor so we found an Urgent Care facility and took her there. They took a few Strep tests and sent us on our way with an antibiotic. Well after we left the doctor the fever broke and later than evening a light rash showed up on her skin. So we looked up Roseola on the internet and it seemed that all of her symptoms coincided with what we were reading. And since both Strep tests came back negative we just figured that's what she had.
So the next couple of weeks will hopefully be semi-normal for us and then Josh will leave on another trip. This time to Japan but this time only for one week.


This past month has pretty much been one thing after another. Our Anniversary was April 20th. Six Years!!! My how time flies when you are having fun! That day we were also supposed to take Hannah in to Primary Children's Hospital for a scheduled eye surgery. She has needed to have her tear ducts scoped since she was born, due to the fact that they have been blocked. This being the third time we scheduled it. The first two times were cancelled either because she was sick and they won't put a child under anesthesia when they are sick due to high risks, or because we thought they had cleared up. Well it turns out the third time is not always the charm. At least not in this case. She became sick and once more the surgery was cancelled. So now it needs to be rescheduled. As for our Aniversary, Josh had worked graveyard the night before so he slept for a while that day and when he woke up we did a few things and then went out to dinner. I know it sure doesn't sound all that exciting but it was lots of fun!
The following day we made a few preparations for Josh's flight out to Texas the next day and then we spent the rest of the day with my parents because their ward was having an anniversary party and my family was asked to perform. It was far from anything you would see on Broadway but never the less it was fun and I'll admit we did ok.
That night when we got home Josh cut his hair. Now, you're probably saying to yourself "So what?" Well this was not just any ordinary cut for him. He buzzed his head.



His trip to Texas was 3 weeks long! Not the least bit exciting for someone who gets to be at home for three long weeks without someone to help our with the kids but we managed. The first weekend he was gone we went over to the Provo River to do a little fishing with Josh's dad. Now I don't like fish but I thought it would be something fun for Abi since she had been saying ever since Josh got a fishing rod for his birthday that she wanted to go fishing. So we went. And there was a little playground to play on and the girls got to spend some quality play time with their Grandma Coleman (they've always loved their play time with her). Well Abi did try fishing a couple of times but quickly tired of it. I guess she didn't quite realize that if you want to catch something you've got to sit there a while. Needless to say we didn't catch anything although Josh's little brother caught one!

The following week I decided that I was tired of hanging around our house all day without other adults to interact with so we packed up and took our own little trip to St. George to visit with my sister Ami. It was a lot of fun! The girls got to play with their cousins (Carter who is 9 months older than Abi and Braxton who is about 9 months younger than Hannah). So it worked out great. Hannah's first few days there were not all that great for her though. We ended up taking her to InstaCare for a double ear infection (where she recieved a shot). And then a few days later she fell off of a couple of stairs in the clubhouse in the backyard and gave herself a bloody nose and a fat lip. Abi on the other hand was loving it! We bought a little pool for them to play in and she loved playing with her cousin, but most of all to her excitement a few days after we got there a little dog arrived that was just her size. And she would chase her around until she caught her and then carry her around the house. The dog got a little tired of this after a while.

Hannah's fat lip

Abi's new friend

Playing in the Pool

Needless to say we had a lot of fun and didn't really want to come home, but Daddy would be coming home the next day and we were ecstatic to see him!