Monday, April 22, 2013

That's how boys do it...

 James building a rocket ship for his skeletons.

Some people may think we're a little crazy, but our family loves legos. Honestly nothing keeps my kids  more entertained than legos. When we moved to Germany two years ago we thought it was going to be for just two months. We brought along a few toys for the kids but figured we could run around Germany for a few months and we'd be fine. It was fine while the weather was nice, but then when we found out we were staying longer we had to get a few more things for the kids to play with. Some how it worked out that both kids actually wanted the same thing. Legos! We had brought Hailee's from the US and James decided he was a fan as well.

Now a few years later we have quite the collection. James builds, rebuilds and plays with them for hours. Today while we were playing he was using his teeth to take something apart. I told him not to use his teeth to which he quickly replied, "Mom that's just how boys do it." Oh silly me. I had no idea.


All done.

I love seeing the creation process and how each kid has different priorities. If James is building you can almost guarantee it will have some kind of 'rocket boosters' or 'jet packs'. If Hailee is building it's going to have something pink and lots of flowers.  I absolutely love to have something they love playing together albeit in a very different way.