Little Mr is growing like crazy! He weighed 14lbs 1oz at his checkup the other day, which puts him in the 93%. He's also in the 84% for his height. If you compare Nash at 2 months to Brody and Ryder at that age he's right in the middle. A little smaller than Ry was, but a bit bigger than Brody.
Nash has really started to smile lately and I love it! He'll grin and grin when I talk to him, but I have to talk like an idiot to get him to do it. Each time my boys have hit this stage where they recognize my face and smile big at me I get emotional. It's pretty lame, but that gummy grin makes tears well up in my eyes as I realize how lucky I am.
Sleeping has not been horrible with Nash, but just this week it has become quite wonderful! I feed him and get him to bed around 9:30 or so and then he has slept until 5-5:30! Can you say heaven?!? Agh! So nice. I feed him again and he goes back down until around 8-8:30. Oh my gosh, it's the best! I always love my babies, but my love reaches a whole other level when we both get better nighttime sleep!
This blue-eyed boy is oh so sweet and already making me realize that he {hopefully} won't be the last baby!