Monday, December 29, 2008

Simply Havin a Wonderful Christmastime...

I was having so much fun I didn't even take pictures of hardly anything. I did manage to get a few shots when things were slow. These were seriously the only ones.

Christmas Eve we went out to my parents house for dinner and stuff. My Dad had just put this clay stuff in the driveway so all the sand wouldn't blow away. Well there was a lot of snow so it got super muddy. We had to put the truck in 4-wheel drive to make it there. Some of group came in cars so we had to shuttle them in. The nieces & nephews were soooo cute in the Nativity. My mom got some shots in so I might have to steal them from her. We watched the Olson family traditional Christmas Eve movie "Christmas Vacation" with Mike & Jen. Always a classic. Christmas Eve is also the 1 year anniversary of mine & Dallins engagement :)

Christmas Day we opened presents at our house - just us. It was really different and not as exciting but still fun. Our main Christmas present to/from each other is a Cruise we're going in in Jan so we didn't have much else to open. It was nice to go out to my parents and watch the nieces & nephew open their gifts. Watching little kids open presents is the best. I have one niece who gets especially excited. Like really really excited. Over everything. It's way cute.

I'm sad Christmas is over. It was so nice to have so much time off work and to spend so much time with fam and friends. I love the whole month of Dec with all the parties and spirit/mood of most everyone. I am looking forward to the New Year. I have a lot of things I want to accomplish and change.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Holidays so Far...

Here are some of the past few weeks festivities. I didn't get any pictures of Thanksgiving :( I don't remember if I just didn't bring my camera out or I just forgot to get it out. Anyways... we've had a lot of fun since.

The day after Thanksgiving, I went to breakfast with some friends from out of town. Some waaaay out of town (the Philippines). I haven't seen Jeff in like 4 years. It was really good to see everyone.

Me, Jeffrey & Ashlie

Thanksgiving weekend, we were going to see Madagascar 2 or Bolt with "The Bills" but they were both sold out EVEREYWHERE! So we went Bowling instead. Yah on a Holiday weekend it's quite expensive!

Check out that form! That's how you win I guess. Because he did. Twice.

I really can't believe how much it has snowed in St. George lately. It was constantly coming down all day yesterday and last night. We went outside at like 12:30 this morning and played in it. There was prolly a good 2 inches!

The snowflakes were HUGE!


L- was with the night mode R- Flash

It's fun to see color mixed in with the snow.

I love lights with snow on them. I tried my best to capture it.

Christmas Tree sneak preview. Yah it's still not done yet. I can't find the ribbon I want.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Twilight II...

So I went to the movie again. This time it had better sound but I'm still not lovin it. I liked it well enough but it could have been WAY better. Should have been 1/2 hour longer. But one of the biggest things that upset me were the Vampire Actor choices and their makeup. I guess it was a fairly low budget movie and they didn't think it was going to be this big but come on!

So let me just vent a bit...

The worst one was Rosalie. She looks like she could be from the White Chicks.

Some people just can't pull off being a blonde. She really is very pretty.
This is my pick. In House she is brunette but she can pull it off.

The next one I'm going to pick on is Carlisle. He is just so fake looking.

They should have just left him how he is. Or picked someone else that looks better blonde.

Jasper made me laugh. He looked like more of an idiot than anything. I really didn't like his hair. (It's kind blurry sorry)

He would have been good.

My Edward

Alice was prob my fav out of the Vampires but I think she would have done a great job as well.

Oh and they should have just left James alone.

I knew it wouldn't be sequenced exactly like the book and for the most part it didn't bother me. What bugged me the most was the part when he goes into the sunlight for Bella. That was lame.
Hopefully with all the $$ they made from the 1st one, the second will be much better.