Monday, June 23, 2008

Quick Update...

I'm working on getting some pics from our wedding up but just getting them all in one place is quite the struggle. Everything is everywhere! I guess that's what happens when you get married and move. I hope anyways. I hope I'm not the only one that is so disorganized when they move.
So we're pretty much lovin married life! It is pretty different than what i expected but we're doing great. We're currently working on updating our little town home and getting everything organized and moved in. It's a fun project and i really do enjoy doing that kind of thing. I will put some before and after pictures up when i have a moment to take some. Haha. One random thing - when we first went in to evaluate the damage there was a HUGE spiderweb on the living room ceiling! It covered the whole thing. It was so weird. We must have had spider man living there before us. Haha.
Let's see what else...

Sorry i got nothin.
Sorry for no pictures. I really am working on that.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Love Story

Check out our sweet Love Story that RB Studios did for us. It's pretty awesome!

Just scroll down til you see it.