Tuesday, July 22, 2008

2 Years Together

Yesterday was our anniversary. We have been married for two years. I can't believe how fast time has gone by. I can't believe all that we have accomplished together either. I really do have my best friend at my side and I love that. I love Terry even more than the day that I married him and I didn't think that was possible. He really helps me be a better person in the gospel and in temporal things. I hope that the love, understanding and friendship that we have grows at the same rate that it has in the past two years!!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Hair today, gone tomorrow.

Okay, if you were to ask Bethany what her two pet peeves with me are they would be that I don't like to shave and that I don't regularly cut my hair. Well lately I have been a little better at the one and not the other. I shave every other day however lately I have just been too lazy to cut my hair. I have had the sides trimmed twice since the beginning of the summer but the top has not been cut at all. We decided to take these pictures and after a particularly hot muggy day when I had not washed my hair for a couple of days.
I had my hat on and when i took it off and ran my fingers through it I found that it would stand up on end. Gross you say, but let me explain. I swim almost everyday in the morning before I coach and sometimes twice a day because every Monday, Wednesday and Friday Part of my coaching job requires me to teach swim lessons for an hour. Its hard for me to justify washing my hair when I know I am just gonna do it again the next day. It is not the norm, but it does happen on occasion.
So Bethany is getting tired of it and I have to admit when I look at these pictures I am reminded of various celebrity mug shots that sometimes make there way to the news when someone of note gets arrested for drunk driving. So we put it up to you family and friends, we want to hear it from you. To cut, or not to cut, that is the question.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I love peaches, because they are so delicious!!

We have been abundantly blessed with peaches and apples this summer. The house that we moved into had two fruit trees that have been here for years. We were so surprised to see so much fruit growing on them. The peaches have really impressed me. We have gotten about 4 bushels of peaches from one tree. They are so sweet and good and good size too. Most of them bigger than a soft ball. We have highly anticipated their maturation to ripeness. We have many times had to save them from neighbors or passerbys wanting to pick them .We have given a lot away, eaten a lot fresh and made a few peach cobblers. I thought I would can them at first, but realized that they were cling peaches and hard to get off the pit.

The apples are small, but perfect for apple juice, applesauce and apple pie filling. I don't think I am going to be as good as my mom would be and make apple pie filling to freeze. I think I am just going to make apple juice.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fourth of July- "I Love America!"

Even though the weather wasn't perfect we had a fun fourth of July. It was rainy off and on, but pretty good during the parade in the morning which we all enjoyed. I don't know if the parade was that good, but it is fun to see the kids play and sit around and talk.
They handed out these flags which I thought were a hundred times better than candy and the kids loved them. Porter especially did. You couldn't have stolen it away from him.

Of course he loved the candy especially the suckers, but I didn't. Porter was right up there in the line up of kids ready to get any candy that came his way. Really the only way he got some was because some people come along the sides of the parade to give out candy rather than throw it. Porter got 2 suckers and you couldn't have gotten them open fast enough for him.

We were there with Stephanie and her kids, Marthea and their kids, The Bailey's and me and Porter. Here we all are. It doesn't look that exciting, but it was fun.

Our favorite part of the day of course is the Wiffle Ball tournament. We had enough people to have 5 teams and played a double elimination bracket to find the champions. Last year my team was horrible. This year we did so good and had some memorable "plays." We made it to the championship and guess who's team we were up against, none other than Terry Telusky's. It was neck and neck there for a while, but then they did beat us and I have to say that it was fair and square. Terry was so happy and has been remembering those glory moments often in the past couple of days.

We watched the fireworks in Kristy and Dustin's backyard. There were just a few, but it was great. All the kids got to have box after box of snaps and of course every kids dream came true when the pulled out the sparklers and there was enough for each kid to have like fifty. Needlesstosay, the backyard was just full of smoke by the time we were done. Porter liked the sparklers and wasn't hesitant at all to grab a hold and wave it in the air. I was surprised that he never tried to touch the end. He just waved it around, sometimes too vigorously.

Well, I love America and count my blessings often of all the little freedoms we enjoy here. I know that we are blessed. I make Terry think I am crazy when I just turn to him out of the blue sometimes and say aren't we so blessed that we have cars or whatever has come to my mind at the moment.