Thursday, February 18, 2010

pictures for everyone

mommy's little helper
colby loves holding his sister

the new and improved family

getting ready to have a baby :) isn't that the advantage of being induced??

blessing day

christmas eve

mommy and addie

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A little FYI

So as many of you probably already know, we are back in Utah. Troy is finally back with us after being back in TN for 8 weeks. Colby is walking everywhere! And i turn 29 tomorrow!! Holy Smokes!! AND my Dr. thinks a fun day to have my baby would be 09/09/09. So don't worry, he scheduled me to be induced that day :) At least we know when it should be happening for sure. Next, this means that she will be Adaline Pyne born on 9/09/09 to Kori Pyne who is 29! I hope she doesn't get a complex over all the rhyming.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Well folks, here it update! I know, I know, I've been really bad at updating lately. So to catch you all up, we found out we will be having a GIRL! We are going to name her Adaline, after my Great Grandma. Pretty exciting! We moved to Memphis for the summer. It's a lot nicer here than i thought it would be. Colby LOVES it! Probably because people out here can't get enough of babies, so everywhere we go they all try to talk to him and get him to smile, he usually says "hi" to everyone we pass! I try to keep him pretty busy, so he doesn't get bored with me :) I have figured out that as long as i have food with me, I can take him anywhere! These are some pictures from my phone, I keep forgetting to get the camera out of the car, which Troy is driving all this week.He's been learning to feed himself, and he LOVES greenbeans! Here he is with greenbeans all over his face! This is him with a balloon I had to get him at Wal Mart one time when we went. It doesn't matter where we are in the store, he can spot a balloon from anywhere! He will scream and yell at me until I find a way to get him one. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Pyne for creating the balloon obsession! HAHA

For one of Troy's dinner goals we went to a glorified Chuck E Cheese. I forgot the name of it, but Colby loved cheering his daddy on while he was winning the go cart race! So we let him drive one of the games. He is obviously enjoying it.

This is the new toy Aunt Shana sent him to help him learn to walk. So far he likes to sit on it, but he can only figure out how to scoot backwards. He loves it though. He's still nervous to push it from behind though...we are working on it :)

And the pool! We go almost everyday! He is getting the cutest tan lines!! His legs and arms are so tan! And in each of his rolls it's still white! HAHA! I love it! He loves to play in the water, but only if someone is holding him, we got him a floaty, but he HATED it so I took it back. At least he doesn't weigh much in the water! I figure it helps me stay in shape this pregnancy :) So far we are having fun out here. And since this pregnancy isn't as intense as it was with Colby we are able to do stuff all the time! I just get tired a lot more, but I would much rather be tired than sick :) Troy is doing really well, working hard. We are so proud of everything he does for us! Colby is still obsessed with him, so they play as much as they can!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Cobster's 1st Birthday!!!

Ahh, remember this?
Now look at him! This is the shirt I made him for his Birthday!
Here he is finally enjoying his cake! It took him a few tries and mommy to convince him that it was ok to eat, but he eventually got the hang of it!
Happy Birthday Colby! We love you so much!!! I can't even imagine what I would do all day if I didn't have you around to entertain me :)

Monday, February 23, 2009

That's Right!

There really is a baby in there! This one should be making an appearance around September 13th!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Troy!!!

Happy Birthday to the best Husband and Daddy in the whole wide world!!!
We Love you!!
Love, Kori and Colby

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Over The Holidays

Here are some pictures to catch you all up on what we did for the Holidays! They start at the end and go back to Thanksgiving, it's just the way the pictures loaded on here.
We were able to go to Bakersfield for Christmas and spend it with the whole fam! Colby and I flew out on the 8th and Troy joined us a week later. Colby had his first plane ride, and he did fantastic!! He would have been a lot happier if people would have tried to play with him, he was sure trying to play with them!! Baby Berlyn was blessed while we were there.
Colby got some new toys for Christmas, which he thoroughly enjoys!

We found out that Colby has a little bit of a jealous bug! He would do his fake cry and say "mama" over and over whenever I held another baby!

He really liked opening his presents on Christmas! He didn't care too much about playing with the wrapping paper, he was pretty much down to business!

Colby and Dad on Christmas cute!
Here is a picture we took on Christmas Eve after Colby's bath! Don't you just love the shoes??

We watched Beckham and Owen for a few days while their mom and dad went to Disneyland with the older kids. I had to keep an eye on Colby while they were there, he didn't like to share his toys with them, but he loves playing with other kids.
We celebrated my mom's Birthday while we were there.
Here is a picture I took of Colby in front of our little tree, he was such a sport and smiled for all the pictures...I have taught him well!
We spent Thanksgiving at my sister's house, since she had just had Berlyn a couple days before, our mom was here for it too! I cooked my first turkey, and it actually turned out alright!

This is a video of Colby making our plans for "Black Friday" with Dustin. The funny thing is, that he thinks I am taking a picture, and he knows what to do!!

We hope everyone had a great Holiday season and a Happy New Year! Good luck with your New Year's resolutions!!