Sunday, March 21, 2010

Bubba Slade...

So the name baby Slade turned into sounding like "Bubba"....which is a little redneck but for the life of us we can't stop calling Slade, bubba Slade aka Baby Slade, Morgan is hooked. She woke up one day saying when Slade was sleeping, "Where Bubba?" it was hilarious to say the least. I just think it is too cute to hear her call him that!! Here are some recent pics I took of my precious little man!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Before and After

Monday, June 8, 2009

Baby Slade and Big Sis Morgan

Morgan is so excited to be a big sis, she is always saying, I hold baby Slade, or I kiss baby Slade and showering him with lots and lots of love and really being pretty gentle about it!

The New Fam

Friday, May 22, 2009

And then there were four....

Announcing SLADE JOSEPH HERRUD born Wednesday, May 20th at 4:45pm weighing in at 7lbs 9oz and 20 1/4 inches long! He has blonde hair and blue eyes and in our opinion is the most adorable newborn out there.

This was a planned induction so we went into the hospital at around 8:30am and checked in. They tried to start the IV for the pitocin but the nurse couldn't get the needle into my arm so we had to wait for a different person from IV therapy to do it instead, and that took a little while for her to come up and do it..Sandy that is. So I didn't get the pitocin until about 10:30am and then we kinda hung out for a while until they broke my water about 2pm I think...can't remember exactly but then after that it didn't take to long until my contractions were getting pretty uncomfortable and I was dilated to about a 5-6 then. I let the contractions get a little regular and hurting until I got the long anticipated epidural that every women on earth deserves to have. I got the epidural at about 3:30pm and the anesthesia guy ended up being LDS which was pretty cool, he was making small talk with us while getting everything set up behind me, and he was really funny and made the situation easier for me to relax in and Trev thought he was pretty cool, he even said I was too skinny...which I am pretty sure he was being sarcastic but hey I'll still take it anyways! After that I was feeling very very good and very happy again to be feeling no pain just pressure which is fine with me. I was at about a 7 at like 4pm and then the next thing I know the nurse comes back to check me again and she was like oh here is the head I can feel it! I was not expecting that so soon, I thought for sure it would be longer than that so I had to get geared up really quick. We waited a couple minutes for my midwife to get there and then it was show business. I pushed like 6 times probably and within like 5-10 minutes baby Slade was here! Overall it went really well and I couldn't be more happy how things went and the nurses that I had the whole time. He also scored a 9 on his apgar test! We think he is pretty good lookin, I mean look at his parents! So after I had him and the epidural wore off I wasn't sure how I would feel but surprisingly I felt really great without much pain. I am still feeling good now just a little crampy and such. I will post some pics too. We came home the next day at noon.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Joys of Pregnancy....

So last Thursday I went to the baby doctor and I was dilated to a 2 and then that day and the next I had contractions and then.....nothing on Sat and Sun. Then I went to my appointment today and this morning I was at a 4 with some small contractions, kinda annoying. So here I am waiting, anticipating being all excited with the expected arrival of our little bundle of joy and then nothing happens. But the good thing is that I know for sure I will have a baby on Wednesday, yeah!! and we got his room done in time so that is a bonus, I really need to post some pics. Updates to come....

Monday, April 27, 2009

New House

So we are all moved into our new house, YES! We are excited to be on our own again and on time to get things settled before the baby comes which is in less than 4 weeks, officially May 20! That is my induction date unless he comes sooner on his own. I do have some things I would like to get done before that though. All is going well, just a bunch of organizing, uhh!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Target...the other love of my life.

I just wanted to take a sec to send a shout out to my bestfriend Target! Target is always there rain or shine, good days and bad, I can always count on Target. I am so glad that out of all the stores we don't have in Selah or Yakima we do have our Target. I wanted to thank Target for the wonderful post Holiday sales that I have been able to benefit from off of the 75% off rack in the infant/toddler section. I often scope out the great deals and made my way to this one...I happened to get some really nice sweaters for Morgan and a sweater dress, each for $3.24 each, what a steal of a deal..those are like goodwill prices...and not to mention the cute little man stuff I got for the up and coming little man, polo shirts for $!.98, sweaters for $3.24 and little man pants for $ amazing is that! I know what you are thinking, it is a hidden talent of mine, what can I say. I was so impressed when I went to Olympia this past week to visit Trev while doing duty at the capital I had to stop by the Target there also to see if there deals were just as amazing, and they were! I found a couple more things just as good of a deal as here! maybe I will take some pics so I have proof cuz I know some of you may be doubting me and my talent for shopping the deals! I might not be able to play the piano but man can I shop!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Drum Roll Please...

And we are having....A BOY!! We couldn't be more excited and thrilled about the news we got this morning at my ultrasound, especially Trevor, all the male bonding moments to come he can barely stand it! I was hoping for a boy and was thinking it was a good possiblity cuz my pregnancy has seemed a little different this time around vs. carrying a girl baby! All I have to say is...let the shopping and bargains begin! It is so fun knowing that we will have one of each and can experience the joy that both will bring, dirt, trucks, frogs, we come!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy Holidays!

The Herrud family had a wonderful Christmas this year and many things to be grateful for. We spent Christmas Eve with my mom and sisters and then Christmas Day over with Trevor's parents and opened presents that morning. Morgan was so cute tearing through the wrapping paper to get to the presents, I think the wagon we got her was the biggest hit this year and I am sure as Spring comes I will get some good exercise pulling all over our yard. Trev had to work that day but we still had a great time and lots of dinner between the day before and on Christmas. We also got to visit some family over in Royal City, WA the following week and see cousins and their spouses and kids which was aweseom and of course Trev got in some good Goose and Pheasant hunting in..all day! Not too many complaints here! I hope all of your days spent together were as wonderful as ours. House are in, doors are in and they have almost all electrical and plumbing done, I forget what I was told is next but soon comes the sheet rock, Yes! I can hardly wait! Happy Holidays to all!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Some of you may be wondering why I haven't posted recent pics for the longest time and it is because I moved at the end of October and my camera cord is packed away so I can't download any of my recent pics to the computer to grab and post...sorry..I have been bugging Trev to get some of my stuff well let's be honest most of my stuff from our storage unit no is yet to happen, my poor hard working hubby has no time for me! Just kidding...anyways when I get it I will post some pics that are long overdue! So as for the is coming along, the wood has been delivered and the walls should be completed by the end of the week or beginning of next week, then the roof is coming up next week also!! Can't wait, we went and picked out the flooring, carpet and countertops today also which wasn't too exciting cuz I don't plan on keeping it very long at all, I am gonna put my handyman to work on that asap! Any ideas on paint colors anyone?? I have to choose here pretty soon before time gets away from me! Also Morgan is saying Da-Dee and Wy--ee for Wylie, and Bra--ee for Brady, she is coming along very well, she'll be spitting out sentences in no time, probably including no mommy and leave me along and fun things like that! Can't wait!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Making Progress

The house building has begun!! Finally it has actually started, foundation is in process and it won't be long before I can see a house forming! We are excited, the countdown has begun. So that is where we are at, hoping for end of Feb we shall see!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Update....

Well, Well...I am in fact pregnant again!! It is true and man can I feel the truth of the nausea in my stomach!! Let me tell you it is amazing! We are pretty excited, really hoping for a boy this time and if there is a next time too!! Boys all the way so keep your fingers crossed!! Either way though we of course would be great with it but ya know Trev is gonna need a hunting buddy and I need someone to play in the mud with and make lots of noise and get into mischief with!! We will be into our house before the baby comes so that is awesome and we looking forward to what is to a 3D sonogram..YES! and a big belly...of course no belly pics to post yet well I could if you really wanted but it wouldn't be pretty!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Current Affairs

So what has been going on...well in Aug me, Trev and Morgan traveled down to Utah to go to our family reunion at Bear Lake. It was a good time, we got to see all his fam members and neices/nephews etc..played at the pool, in the lake, jet skis, games, and oh yeah I read most of the 4th Twilight Series book...that was really good fun! Most recently I went to VA without Trev or Morgan...yeah I does that happen..thanks to a wonderful mom-in-law and a lovely friend around the corner who bailed me out..I got to go to my older brother Marc's was really nice and very put together...but I do have to admit I missed my little fam more that words can ever thankful I am for them and the many smiles they put on my face on a daily basis! I will post those pics later. Also the house stuff is coming along well, almost ready for foundation and then it will be a piece of cake, waiting on our excavator who is somewhere in Montana hunting or men!! I am thinking we should be into our house probably in Feb...or else is all I gotta say..I have already bought some things at Ross to decorate our new many things I love, I can't wait. I already have a lot of the styles picked out and how to do the bathrooms, Morgan's room, the kitchen etc...the only thing is I can't really buy much more cuz I don't have anywhere to put it!! Anyways, Trev is still loving his new job, I am still adjusting to mine...and Morgan is getting huge and more grown up all the time!

My New Camaro!!

I am so excited about my new Camaro, I know I can't believe it either....but here it is! Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that this is the Camaro of my dreams not reality, yet!