Monday, February 11, 2013

Whoa, that was tough

I thought my blog was broken! Ever since I got an Ipad, the time I spend on my home computer has dwindled significantly. I usually only log on to print something, and I don't print much. Each time I tried to log into the blog from my Ipad, I got an error, and therefore, gave up on our family blog.

However, I was so sad looking back all 5 years and realizing this was such a great way to chronicle where we've been, what we've done with our time, and my goodness, how time flies! I thought I'd give the old fashioned computer a try, and voila!

We are back in business....stay tuned!

Monday, August 13, 2012

My baby turned 4!

My baby boy has hit 4! I can't believe it, and he is already acting so much older (besides the new thing he's doing by sticking out his tongue in every picture). He is our entertainment most of the time and we wouldn't know what to do without him. We celebrated with some family a little last night and then today we went to Cowabunga Bay and finished with dinner at Burger King. He is spoiled, but it's hard not to spoil someone you love so much!

Summer was here

Summer was here, and it is nearly over. I don't have much to say about it, other than I love this time of year and always wish it would linger a little longer.

A date...

So sad, but oh so true, it had been longer than I could remember since Kolby and I had been on a date. Pathetic? Mmhmm. But such is life. Anyway, my 10 year high school reunion was an excuse to go to dinner with friends. It is so refreshing to remember who you are outside of being a parent. Don't confuse me with someone who isn't grateful to be one. However, it's nice to remember yourself as an individual and as a couple.

Fish Lake

My mom's side of the family has had a reunion at Fish Lake since before I was just a babe. It is absolutely beautiful up there and never fails to make me reminisce. My whole family (mom, dad, siblings, etc) were all there this year, which is a rare occurrence. We had a great time seeing that side of the family and just leave wishing we could do more with them.

The big 5-0!

My mom turned 50, can you believe it? Well neither can she :)

We celebrated with a night out together at one of my favorite places, Market Street!

Time to catch up- Beginning with the 4th of July

So as previously posted, I ran my first 5k on the 4th of July with two of my sister-in-laws, who kicked my trash!

We stay at a motel after the Stadium of Fire, and Maddax kept wanting his picture taken, he knows he's a stud!

After the 4th, we went to the Fisher reunion at the Fisher cabin, where Maddax and his cousin secretly got into their older cousin's bag and tried on her make-up. Maddax said he was trying to look like Mickey Mouse, which explains the mascara. Still not sure why he thought bronzing glitter powder belonged in his hair...

The reunion is one of Hannah's very favorite things, she loves being at the cabin and spending time with her cousins.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I ran my first 5k last week

This was a huge deal for me because I absolutely hate running. Do you see all the suckers behind me? I knew if I ran a race with thousands of other people I wouldn't be the last one to finish. It took me 32 minutes, respectable but room for improvement.