Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Man, OH, MAN!

It's been forever since I posted. DARN FACEBOOK!! We've made a couple trips to Utah, moved into our house (still working on decor so pictures will come later), swam tons, got a trampoline, started school.... Life's been busy.

Here are a few pictures from our last couple of months. Since they are so out of order I will just summarize here. We made a trip to Utah to visit family in July and attend my brother Justin's marriage to Heather. Such a cute couple! We visited with the Cooks, and the Smiths. (Miss THEM!) The "BOYS" went fishing with my Step Dad Dave, and LOVED it! We celebrated Xanders THIRD birthday while in UT, ate at the Brick Oven (super yummy), hiked Mt. Timp (not pictured cause we were out of batteries), and swam at the Orem park. Then came home, moved into our new house (not pictured yet either), flooded three weeks later because of the craziest rain/lightening storm I've ever seen up close (seriously, while Trav and a friend were outside trying to bail water out of the basement stairs the hair on their heads was standing on end from all the lightening striking so close), I found out that my Mom was being sealed to her parents for her birthday so the kiddos and I made a quick trip up the next morning (2 days post flood), we attended the Temple, shopped more than we should, ate more than we should, hung out with the Cooks again, and got to go to traditional Kneaders Breakfast with our favorite friend/Aunt Cindy. The boys got to see just how weird their Uncles are, and hang with the "Upshaw" Aunts some more. Then we came home just in time to celebrate Trav's 33rd birthday (old MAN!). Jacob started his first day of kindergarten, and Trenton started 3rd. We also bought a trampoline, which we ALL love! And Abby now has two teeth, which she likes to USE! (time to learn to take a bottle)
WHEW!! That was a busy month!
