Thursday, September 03, 2009


YEP! So last Saturday we were driving home after an Elders Quorum party at the park, and we notice some people sitting on the side of the road with a sign by their truck that says "PUPS".
Trav said, "They're selling Pups?" And I saw them in the back of the truck and said, "OH! They're cute." So Travis says, as he turns the van around, "Wanna go look?" Ok. I'm a sucker for puppies. I blame it all on my parents. We ALWAYS had dogs. They bought me a Cocker Spaniel when I was three, and he was too rough so then they bought a Rat Terrier. And then my Dad showed up with another Cocker one day and they bred them for a while. My Uncle had bought his girlfriend a little Cocker pup before he went on his mission, and when she married someone else another Uncle went a stole the pup back. And some how we ended up with her. And she and the Rat Terrier had their own puppies. When I was in High School my youngest brother had severe asthma and after several different meds and breathing treatment and hospital visits, my parents decided to try old remedies. There is an old wives tale that Chihuahua's carry an oil in their skin that helps Asthmatics. And the pediatrician said that it couldn't be disproved and he had heard of people trying it...get where I'm going here? Well the Amish people that my parents bought the Chihuahua from in East Texas were selling off their load of dogs they used to breed, and my parents got wind of it, so we started breeding Chihuahuas. It was embarrassing at times. Especially when at one time we had THIRTEEN dogs at once. That doesn't include puppies people!
Ok, so that is the long explanation. We have spent the last several months looking at puppies in the pet store, at the Humane Society, and online. After an argument one night, over a dog that the boys really wanted and me tired of having to be the one to say NO, we decided that it was torture to take the boys to these places and not let them bring one home. Well, I'm not sure what came over us last Saturday, but I guess we all just finally fell in love. And now we have a dog. That first night being up through all the whining Trav and I laid in bed and knew that we had totally gone crazy. But, the boys LOVE her. And once she is big enough to no longer live in my laundry room and make her new home the dog yard, I'll love her more too. We named her Bindy, yep just like Steve Erwins daughter. Although, that wasn't our intention.