Friday, March 10, 2006

New Updates

After months of not posting anything we finally decided to catch up. We are in Indianapolis, IN today for spring break and had access to some high-speed internet so we took full advantage. We are all doing great and Trent and Jacob are growing older by the minute. We hope that you have not lost faith in our Blogging abilities. Trent asked a minute ago, "When are we getting out of this place?" and Jacob said, "Want to go go." So we off to see the Indy 500 museum. Look for pictures soon. We promise to do better.

Our little Missionaries

One Sunday morning I came across my missionary tags. It turned out that morning that Trenton and Jacob were wearing their suits. We decided to see what our future little missionaries would look like. They loved them so much they wouldn't let us take them off before church.

Trip to Nashville, TN

The National Corvette Museum; Bowling Green, KY
Our high-performance Hyndai is as close as we get to a Corvette.

Grnad Ole Opry; Nashville, TN

A crazy picture, but the only one we have of the original Ryman Auditorium.

A few cute pictures of our little Jacob

Fun with Bubbles

Favorite hiding spot
Hi-Ho Silver, Away!


Trent and his loot.

These are Trent's presents to his mom and brother. He picked out the paper, used the tape and wrote his name. He did it all with minor help.

"Look what Santa brought us!"

Christmas Eve in our new jammies.

Our handsome Boys (11-2005)

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Trent's 4th B-day!!! (11-7-2005)

Happy Birthday Trent!!!
We wish these were the only presents he received, but his grandma's love him too much.

A birthday hug from Emma

Trent's Posse.

In case you are wondering why he doesn't have a shirt on, that is the mark of a true leader here in KY. We are working on the mullet next. Really, Jamie had him take it off so he wouldn't get cake and ice cream on it.

Halloween 2005

Our Little Cowboy at Trunk-or-Treat

"Arr me matey!"
This is Trenton's scarriest pirate face.

Can you tell who is not enjoying having their picture taken?

It looks as though Jacob has had enough Halloween fun.

Louisville Science Center (10-11-2005)

Dad explaining all about how a real heart works. I'm not sure that Trent was all that impressed, but I was happy that I had learned something in gross anatomy.

Even moms can have a good time.

According to the auto aging machine at the science center, this is what I will look like at the nice age of 80. It's nice to know that I'm not going to loose my hair.