Thursday, December 20, 2007

Traveling Fools

As many of you faithful viewers have noticed, I've been keeping a little too busy to post. I've really been enjoying this vacation. Sorry about the hiatus! I hate seeing the old same Christmas tree on my blog too. So, here's a quick post to show a few things we've been up to. I'll start from the beginning. On the way over from Zurich to NY and then NY to LA, Kelsey was a dream. She slept a lot and cried for a total of 2 minutes the whole time. Here are a couple of pics from our travels.

Kelsey and I in Zurich gearing up for our long journey ahead of us

Tal & Kelsey on flight from JFK to LAX

Kelsey turned 3 months on Sunday (technically 4pm on Saturday in the states) and celebrated with her great-great grandma who turned 90!!

My sister Jenna with Great Grandma

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Pick a Present - This is fun!

I got this from Tally's cousin, Sandra's site. It's so fun. You can pick a gift out for me and you don't have to spend a penny. It's the thought that counts anyway, right? If you put it on your site, I'll give you a gift too.

Monday, December 10, 2007


On Saturday, Tally got to go Snowboarding with some friends. Here's some of the pics he took while up there.

Tally & Didier ready to board down

Friday, December 07, 2007

Samichlaus & Schmutzli & Winter Party

The 6th of December is a really special day in Switzerland, especially for the children. St.Nikolaus is coming.
Usually the children prepare themselves with little poems or songs they want to ‘present’ to the holy man, who in turn is pleased by all the efforts of the children and gives them his appreciation!! The well-behaved children get some goodies, such as gingerbreads, cookies, mandarins, nuts chocolate etc, often St.Nikolaus tells the kids a story.

Then the long awaited moment arrives, when St.Nikolaus starts to read out of his golden book and praises the child for his good deeds throughout the last year and offers ideas of ‘betterment’ for the not so good things the child did. (The parents or teachers of the kid usually give these information’s)

He then leaves a birch rod as a souvenir of his visit and a reminder to keep up the good work.

Though in some parts of Switzerland, it used to be customary, that the children who really didn’t behave only got a birch rod and no goodies, basically a bit of the carrot & stick principle to encourage them to better themselves and the promise of goodies the next year.

The historic background in the custom lies in the 4th century AD and was inspired by the Holy Nicolas, Bishop of Myra, who according to legends that surround him, did many a good to youngsters and children and so he became the patron Saint of Children, that he wears a bishops habit and a Mitre shows his holy status, as well as his long beard shall indicate his old age.

The legend of St.Nikolaus got intertwined over the centuries with Celtic customs of Saturnalia, leading to the well-known Samichlaus and Schmutzli.

Schmutzli a dark dressed and dark looking counterpart to Samichlaus is a devilish figure accompanies a holy man. Tradition says that he takes away the bad kids in a burlap sack. This part of the legend scared our friends' 4-year-old so bad because he said he had been bad this year!

Here are our friends Karl & Jacob dressed up as Schmutzli & Samichlaus.

I went to the store with Kelsey on the 6th & Samichlaus was there ringing a bell. My first thought was that he was collecting money but it turns out he was giving kids goodies. Too bad Kelsey was asleep or she may have scored some good stuff.


Tonight we left Kelsey with a babysitter for the first time and went to our 20's themed work party. Tal & I didn't dress up but almost everyone else did!

Here are a few of my girlfriends I worked with.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Zermatt- The Matterhorn

Tally found out recently that he needed to take off a few more days of work before the end of the year so we decided to book a trip to Zermatt, Switzerland. With Tally's amazing "deal finder" abilities, we were able to stay in a 5-star hotel for less than 1/5 of the price. Here's a video of us arriving to the hotel.

We ended up taking a nap after we got there, trusting the concierge's weather forecast. Unfortunately, it ended up being the clearest day and snowed the rest of the time. Tally got this shot of me and Kelsey in front of the Matterhorn.

Here's Tally & Kels in downtown Zermatt. The town is all dressed up for the holidays.

Our family has a thing for hotel robes. Too bad they didn't have one for the babe.

These buildings have been here since the 1600's and were used to store animals during the winter. We happened upon this part of town and we're so glad we did! It was pretty cool to see.

A view of the Matterhorn with the snow blowing off of it.

Here's a picture of the Matterhorn from the hotel hot tub.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Christmas is in the air!

The Lindt/Sprungli Chocolate Factory is a few minutes down the street from us so we had to get a picture in front of their Christmas display. Unfortunately, it started raining right as we were about to leave but we went anyway. Kelsey was a trooper being out in the cold, wet weather but she didn't cry - and don't worry, we weren't out for long. This is her new Christmas dress and she seems to love playing with the bow and the lace. So many new things to discover! We also put the decorations up at our place however, there's so few there's not much to show. Enjoy the Christmas tunes - we had fun picking some of our favorite songs and left it on to enjoy the Christmas spirit.