Last year I went all out and was planning Cohen's birthday party months in advance. I sent out cute invites and every detail was perfect. This year with the move and being pregnant I feel bad to say that I was just lazy. TJ wanted to have another party with all the neighbor kids and I just wanted the three of us to celebrate with a night out to Chucky Cheese. We compromised and had a birthday cake on Sunday with friends and on Tuesday (his actual birthday) went to Chucky Cheese.
Here is his birthday cake, cars of course. I didn't make it but I did add the writing.
TJ started his first day of Dental school on the 22nd. I actually got up and packed his lunch for him that morning (haven't done it since, poor guy). I made him let me snap a picture of him before he left.
The morning of Cohen's birthday he got his favorite. "Wuffules." (Waffles) He was in heaven as you can tell.
My sister in law Nikki always fills her kids room with balloons on their birthday so that when they wake up they know it is a special day. I loved the idea so I copied her and Cohen loved it. When I walked in his room to get him he was jumping up and down pointing to the balloons and saying, "mom boons, moon boons."
After our waffle breakfast we got ready, went to the park had a good nap then daddy got home and we opened presents. After presents Cohen wanted some "pop pop" so of course we let him have it.
All the pictures he is happiest in are the ones of him eating his favorite foods.
He was so excited to get a new copy of cars since his got lost.
New cars sippy's whahooo!
TJ and I indulged our on some of our childish wants on this one. We were going to get him a tricycle but this little cars quad was only ten dollars more. We should have gone with the trike because he always goes and steals the neighbors. The neighbors get good use out of it at least.
After playing outside for a bit we packed up and headed to Chucky Cheese. Cohen didn't really want to ride to many of the rides or play many games. He mostly just ran wild and we let him. Here he riding the little carrousel.
His favorite ride was this chair you rode in and watched a movie like you were on a roller coaster. He used up the rest of the tokens riding with daddy on this one.
He's one crazy energy filled little boy. We've witnessed a few terrible two tantrums already. We love this little boy so much though and could not imagine our life without him. Happy Birthday our big 2 year old! We love you so so so much!