We were woken by the postman on Saturday morning bring a surprise package - my prize for winning
Lesley's League of Geeks!

What a fantastic prize and perfect timing too at the start of our half term. Alexander almost immediately disappeared off with
Crisp Packet Fireworks to consult his Grandpa and I've scarcely seen them since, only occasionally being summoned outside to witness various demonstrations such as the
toaster powered hot air balloon,
liquid behaving badly or
cola volcano. I think the cola bottle is scheduled to be turned into a submarine today.
The recycled stuff is great fun too - notebook (used to be a car tyre), ruler (used to be 3 plastic cups) and pencil (used to be money), although the pencil seems to have gone walkabout already, as pencils do.
The brain food, of course, did not last long!
As for the headless chicken, that was me last week. Apart from finishing my biscornu, I haven't done any stitching at all since the summer as the inclination just disappeared but I've been crocheting madly ever since. I think madly may be just a bit too true.
I've posted
some of the things I've made already (not that they'd take kindly being referred to like that, I won't tell if you won't), but I've also made some things for
a swap, some gifts and have been having a go at crochet bowls.

I went a bit headless chickenish last week as my to do list seems to be getting longer and longer and I
really want to do some stitching! Aaarghhhh!!!!! I think I had a day or two of being unable to do anything before I managed to stop procrastinating and start one of the things on my list. Rather than having just a randomly jumbled list, maybe I should prioritise and put rough deadlines on some of the items?
And Alexander has refused to allow me to send
Monique the thing I was going to send her for winning my giveaway, so I'm in the middle of figuring out what to send instead and that probably means making something as well! Ho hum.
PS. Anyone else hate div tags and the way Blogger likes to add them wherever it feels like? Grrrrr.