Viking Mystic
Level 3 XP: 3000 Next: 6000 Skill: 0
Str: 10 (+0) HP: 10/10
Dex: 11 (+0) Chi: 20/20
Con: 09 (-1) Ref: 0(0) Fort: 0(-1) Will: 1(5)
Int: 13 (+1) Atk: 0 Melee: 0 Ranged: 0
Wis: 18 (+4) Def: 10 Dodge: 0 Armor: 0
Cha: 16 (+3) Init: 0 (+0/+3) Move: 5
Alchemy +2
Cooking +5
Treat Injury +5
Spot +5
Listen +5
Mind and Body, Advanced
Dominate Ego
Hypnotic Stare
Out of Body
Chi Thief (1d4+1 Chi stolen, Mindlinked target, 1 chi)
Brain Lock (Daze 1d4 rounds, Mindlinked target, 1 chi)
Mind Force (1d4 dmg, Mindlinked target, 2 chi)
Electrokinesis (1d4 shock dmg, 1 target, range 20', 1 chi)
NPC Stats
5/01/2009 11:14:00 AM
Viking Swordsman
Level 2 XP: 1556 Next: 3000 Skill: 0
Str: 15 (+2) HP: 16/16
Dex: 13 (+1) Chi: 2/2
Con: 12 (+1) Ref: 1(2) Fort: 1(2) Will: 0(-1)
Int: 07 (-2) Atk: 3 Melee: 5(7 swords) Ranged: 4
Wis: 09 (-1) Def: 11 Dodge: +1 Armor: +5
Cha: 08 (-1) Init: 1 (+2/0) Move: 5
Blades, Sword Proficiency (+2)
Light Armor Proficiency (Def+2)
Combat Reflexes
Power Attack
Leather bound chain mail & wolf helm Def+3
Longsword 1d8
Dagger (1d4)
Viking Archer
Level 2 XP: 1556 Next: 3000 Skill: 0
Str: 11 (+0) HP: 16/16
Dex: 17 (+3) Chi: 2/2
Con: 12 (+1) Ref: 0(3) Fort: 0(1) Will: 0(-1)
Int: 08 (-1) Atk: 3 Melee: 3 Ranged: 6 (8 bows, 9 Father's Bow)
Wis: 09 (-1) Def: 10 Dodge: +3 Armor: +1
Cha: 10 (0) Init: 2 (+5/2) Move: 5
Bows, Longbow Proficiency (+2)
Light Armor
Long Shot (RI+ 15)
Dead Aim
Precise Shot
Fur Armor (Def +1)
Father's Bow (Mastercraft, 1d6+1, +1 atk, RI 30' + Long Shot= 45')
28 barbed arrows (criticals x3)
10 flight arrows (RI +10' = 55')
5 fire arrows (+1d4 fire damage)
Flint & Steel
Dagger 1d4
Longsword 1d8
Viking Child
Level 0 XP: 0 Next: 0 Skill: 0
Str: 10 (+0) HP: 4/4
Dex: 12 (+1) Chi: 1/1
Con: 11 (+0) Ref: 0(0) Fort: 0(0) Will: 0(0)
Int: 09 (-1) Atk: 0 Melee: 0(0) Ranged: 1
Wis: 06 (-2) Def: 10 Dodge: +1 Armor: +2 (untrained, Dodge -1)
Cha: 12 (+1) Init: 0 (1/1) Move: 5
Sneak 2 (+3)
Short Sword 1d6
NPC Stats
4/07/2009 02:32:00 PM
1 Actions
Brother Broderick of Nidaros
Name: Brother Broderick of Nidaros
Occupation: Monk
Origin: Nidaros, Norway, Earth
Era: 1068 CE
Sector: E426-31.7
A simple monk from a simple time, Brother Broderick is sent by Primate Kristenston on a divine mission to assist the Time Operatives in rescuing Thunderhorse's tribe from the Abbey of the Morning Star. He is young, nervous, and somewhat clumsy, but has a big heart and the simple dream of someday having his own parish to teach the word of God.
Level 1 XP: 0 Next: 1000 Skill: 0
Str: 10 (+0) HP: 4/4
Dex: 11 (+0) Chi: 1/1
Con: 11 (+0) Ref: 0(0) Fort: 0(0) Will: 0(0)
Int: 12 (+1) Atk: 0 Melee: 0 (Wood Axe -4) Ranged: 0
Wis: 11 (+0) Def: 10 Dodge: 0 Armor: 1
Cha: 10 (+0) Init: 0 (0/0) Move: 5
Languages: [Old Norse], Latin, German, Italian
Religion 6
Research 3
Treat Injury 2
Goatskull Helm (Def + 1)
Wood Axe (1d8-1)
Wooden cross
Incense (sage & sandalwood)
NPC Stats
3/30/2009 10:00:00 AM
Veronica Autopilot
Name: Veronica Autopilot
Race: Android
Occupation: Pilot
Origin: Taiwan, Earth
Era: 2348 CE
Sector: E669-41.5
Veronica Autopilot was originally assembled as a MaidBot 9.3.1 and placed into service onboard the Younger Brother Pear. After years of misuse as a pleasure bot, her programming was burned out and her structure worn. When Dr. Ritenrong rebuilt and reprogrammed her to replace his malfunctioning autopilot, she became self aware. She spent three hundred years learning Earth culture from a lightyear away, before coming to Earth to live amongst humans.
Level 4 XP: 6000 Next: 10000 Skill: 0
Str: 18 (+4) HP: 20/20
Dex: 20 (+5) Pow: 4/4 used
Con: 12 (+1) Ref: 1(6) Fort: 0(1) Will: 0(-2)
Int: 10 (+0) Atk: 2 Melee: 6 Ranged: 7 (8/8)
Wis: 06 (-2) Def: 11 Dodge: +5 Armor: +1 (helm)
Cha: 08 (-1) Init: 1 (+6/-1) Move: 5
Driving 6 (+13)
Pilot Aircraft 18 (+25)
Pilot Spaceships 24 (+31)
Electronics 5
Mechanics 5
Computing 10
Navigation 2
Spot 0 (+8)
Pistol Proficiency (+2 pistols)
Master Dual Wield (-1/-1)
Combat Reflexes (6 AOA's per round)
Counter-Attack (AOA when opponent misses)
Victim of Abuse
Conscious Android
Wireless Adapter: Remote communication with wireless devices
Computing Interface: Computing +10
Advanced Visual Scanners: Spot +10
Tactical Maneuvering Processor: Init +2, Bluff +5 while Driving/Piloting
SF-112 Starfire Maria Bochkareva
Android Conditions:
Programability: No natural weapon skill or occupation, but starts with Training equal to intelligence score
Chi Free: No chi points. Immune to psychic detection & effects. Unable to use psychic powers.
Power Points: Instead of Chi points, androids have Power points. Genetically evolving power management subroutines increase power points at the same rate as Chi (1/level + wis bonus, min 1). Power points that are used up can are regenerated after refueling.
Expansion Slots: Androids can use Power points to power modular components like cellphones or laser cannons. These equipments require different amounts of Power points, possibly ammunition or even supplemental power supplies. Some devices simply require an open slot to function, others will use up power points, potentially disabling other devices until recharged.
Extreme Skills: Can have stats exceeding 18 but at the cost of other skills
Ambidextrous: Balance dual wield penalty
Synthetic Organics: Immune to biologically targeted poisons, disease, etc.
Regenerative Nanotech: Heals minor damage normally, but critical wounds must be repaired
Temperature Resistant: Unaffected by extreme cold, can survive high heat for a short time
Overheating: Will overheat if unable to radiate internal waste heat.
Extended vacuum Survival: Doesn't require oxygen replenishment, but will overheat after a while.
Weakness to Magnetic Fields: Strong magnetic fields cause disorientation or possible systems shutdown. EMP deals damage
Sleepless: Does not require rest
Fueled: Requires 1 liters water for fuel for 6 hours operation and occasional operating fluid replacement (lubricants, coolants, hydrolics, cleansers, etc).
Power Supply
Main: Hydrogen fuel-cells. "Lung" capacity lasts up to 36 hours. Waste steam must be exhaled.
Secondary: Solar Fiber Array (hair) for electrolysis process; can be tied to primary circuit for low power emergency operation. Consider character at HP 0 while in direct sunlight (Sol at 1AU)
Backup: Micro-RTG array for emergency electrolysis and long term memory regeneration during extended hibernation.
Vulnerable to Hacking:
Add 5 to DC for wireless intrusion.
DC30 = subliminal suggestion
40 = non directive violating free action order
50 = disrupt minor functions (speech, comlink, etc)
60 = Information access
70 = any free action order
75 = non directive violating move action order
80 = any move action order
85 = disrupt major functions (movement, low-priority memory)
90 = non directive violating attack action
95 = any attack action
100 = disrupt critical functions (power core, OS, long term memory)
120 = Overload power core