Tuesday, May 03, 2011

So Sleepy

I went in to wake Zac up from him nap one day and found him like this. I don't normally wake him up, but we were supposed to be somewhere and he had been asleep for four hours (!). I was kind of worried that he was not still alive. He was, and had made himself a pillow out of his blanket and teddy bear.

Art Exhibit and Carnival

A few weeks ago Zac went to his first art exhibit. We had a friend who had her art work on display in downtown San Diego, so we thought we would add some culture to his life.

He enjoyed it alright. I was trying to take his picture in front of the installation piece and he thought it would be much more fun to pull on it. Thankfully he didn't ruin it or we would have a very expensive (ripped) piece of artwork in our house.

It just happened to be Carnival that night and we enjoyed the festivities around the city. Tim is trying real hard to get Zac to look at the camera.

We finally got a picture of him looking, but he wasn't too happy about it.