Sunday, August 26, 2012

And Baby Makes 4

Tim suiting up for surgery. He is clearly excited. Me on the other hand, couldn't be more terrified. This is one of the scariest moments ever. Not knowing what is going on behind that curtain is scary.

Baby Weston's first breath and he was crying.

My two little guys.


Zac hated being confined to the hospital room, so Tim took him to Sea World. They were there for five hours and Zac passed out on the way back to the hospital. 

Zac was so excited about his new little brother. He thought it was so funny to touch Weston on the cheek.

This cute little guy came to pick me up from the hospital. 

Of course Zac had to get in a quick sword fight. 

This has been Zac's favorite way to hold Weston. We have many pictures like this already. 

My first day with both boys at home. Zac spent hours with his playdough and in this bucket. I did not even consider leaving the house - way too overwhelming. 

Luckily for house-bound Zac the neighbors got out their slip and slide. This is as far as he slide. He then ran to the end and jumped in pool.

This was one of the best big brother moments so far. Weston was screaming and I had to go to the bathroom so bad, so I put him down and Zac was so concerned about him crying he grabbed his guitar and started singing to him. I think the song was, "Weston, don't cry, don't cry." It was so cute. 

Zac has been really good with his baby brother. He gets really close to his face and says, "He's so cute."

Blessing Day 

We also bought a new house and moved in July. It was the craziest month ever. More house pictures to come. 

Not sure how this happened, but I came to check on Zac eating his breakfast and he was reading his scriptures. He calls them the "gold plates." 

Picture Overload, Part 2